Started as a Cleric and Ended up an Innkeeper

I would have never purchased the Battlefront III deluxe edition because the pre-order bonus is completely asinine but this equates to the price of the standard edition. I’m in.

I would have never purchased the Battlefront III deluxe edition because the pre-order bonus is completely asinine

Familial bonds are bullshit. Bill your relatives.

Screw that, I’m taking it to the last next level and playing it on my Shield.

You can tell the developers are vying for the series’ original objective-driven style by the numbered title. I’m really hoping this game comes out half as good as its numbered predecessors.

That begs the question, do manufacturers of this size have insurance policies on unsold stock? I wonder if the distributor is responsible for replacing all of these copies completely out of pocket.

They also released it on Mac. I shouldn’t have bought it...

This is totally what happens when someone gets shot.

I’m surprised you liked Disney Infinity over the rest of the competition. Personally I believe Skylanders has the best approach to toy-based games. As long as you’re using monsters that are compatible with the version of Skylanders you’re playing, you can use any type of monster you choose. I was so disappointed when

I can’t seem to remember for the life of me, but my father says it was Donnie Abraham. He also said the donation was around $5,000 worth of systems and games. This was late 1999, most likely in December. I remember leaving the hospital on Christmas and then going back the next day.

As for the year, I think it was in the late 90’s. Possibly as late as ’98-’99. The GameCube hadn’t come out yet and the N64 still had a couple years left in its production cycle.

Some may have been worn out and thrown away, but based on what I heard from the nurses at my latter stay several years later, console theft was rampant on that floor.

Kinja is ass on mobile.

Your welcome!

Thanks! I’ll give it a shot. It kills me that I lost the photo with that Bucs player though. At least I saved that signed Darryl Strawberry card. (Even though he was only there because of his appointed community service.)

When I was in the third grade I was hospitalized for 12 days from my first major ulcerative colitis flare up. Aside from the searing pain and chronic bleeding, it was pretty damn fun because my dad would stop by the local blockbuster and pick up nearly all of the used N64 games they had for sale.

I feel bad for recommending that.

It's only a matter of time before we see a Princess Diana commemorative Amiibo.

My tax return came in and I was thinking of getting an Xbox One to keep my console collection up to date. There are apparently a lot of good deals on Xbox Ones lately.

My tax return came in and I was thinking of getting an Xbox One to keep my console collection up to date. There are

What's your take on video games in the library, both public and academic? I am a librarian in training working at a large-scale university. From what I've seen, existing library staff in academic and public libraries across the country are fairly split between the issue. In one sense, many libraries are struggling to

Based on what I've been hearing from a friend of mine who works at HBO, Game of Thrones' massive success has given HBO's creative departments the financial liberties to do whatever the fuck they want.