Started as a Cleric and Ended up an Innkeeper

I'm a devoted collector with a penchant for studying the history of the video game industry, so I try to keep everything as close to the original condition as possible. I often replace the thumbstick if it's loose enough, but more often than not, I'll just wait to find one in good condition if I'm looking for a

Step 4: Never play Mario Party because it will wreck those controllers.

I don't know why or how but it took me forever to find out how to block in that game.

Yeah. Sadly it's one of the more valuable basic editions for that system. The Slims are also valuable in their own right. It's easier to use software that bypasses Sony's region locking methods because you don't have to use a butter knife or something just as intrusive to force the tray open.

During January's sojourn to Kotaku headquarters in NYC, I stopped by the fabled Video Games New York, where I picked up a scratched but serviceable PlayStation 2 for $80. Today GameStop announced it is once again accepting trade-ins of the best-selling game system of all time. My timing sucks.

Someone tried showing that film to me and I cringed the entire time. Dear lord that was bad.

Birthday aside, this made my day.

What song was playing in the background? I can't help but feel like I've heard it before.

And to hell with your chronology. I don't have time for that.

That's a damn shame. That game was incredible.

The Zelda Wiki notes that Tingle is more popular outside of America than in it. In 2004, IGN's GameCube site launched a "Die, Tingle, Die! Die!" campaign, dubbing the character far too annoying for the Zelda series. Tingle would star in his own game, the silly Zelda parody adventure Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy


Justice League United. In hindsight, it was a pretty mediocre beat 'em up but I still had fun with it.

There is a dearth in quality Wonder Woman games...or just Wonder Woman games in general. Honestly, even though this game would've most likely been mediocre, I would have taken it simply out of my WW obsessions.

Those dumb bastards are floating because they broke the rules and drank the fizzy lifting drinks.

Yes! I must have beaten that game over 20 times. The combos looked great and the fighting mechanics added an extra level of depth where the story fell short. (The game's story was essentially a shortened retelling of the anime) I really didn't watch any of Monty's videos but I have a whole new level of respect for

It's a hit or miss. I think everyone's been spot on with the interpretation.

I can't wait to see how they're going to try and top the first Rising. Maybe Raiden will abandon flipping god damn metal gears and start carrying a gun that shoots out Metal Gear Rays instead.

It's the pose for every modern manga and JRPG action hero/villain with an aloof personality ever.

I haven't received any emails from Best Buy and my order is still active but the charge somehow disappeared from my bank statement. Temporary error or free 3DS?