Started as a Cleric and Ended up an Innkeeper

Dude, this type of gaming goes back so much farther than that. Before America Online was called America Online(CVC?), they had a service in '83 that allowed you to connect your (I believe it was the 2600) to a phone line and download games for $1-$20. There were things like this that were conceptualized beforehand,

The match is about to start, JAM THE FUNCTION KEYS.

This only seemed to confirm my speculation. I never really figured out how Machinima was useful at all in comparison to, let's say, a producer in the music or film industry (which grossly exploits their artists as well). What is the use of a company like Machinima anyways? There's essentially no cost in posting videos

Ha, that just reminds me of the Master System poster I have hanging across my game room. "TAKE HOLD OF THE SEGA ADVENTURE."

He should be thankful he didn't land in PHL. That place strives in hiring ass holes.

At least southern drivers are a little more cautious with snow. I've lived in both regions and it seems like northern drivers have this false sense of security with snow. Expecially at night. I can't even count the number of times I've almost been flattened by some asshole barrel assing down the highway in a semi or

That's a real shame. Xmen Origins: Wolverine is a really good game. Maybe I should reiterate, the entire game is great, then you have to deal with Deadpool, one of the most aggravating and cheapest bosses in modern gaming.

That may be the case, but there seemed to be enough idiots to earn a mention on multiple game sites, including Game Informers site (the link still exists, yet for some reason the damn page isn't loading). Luckily I was able to log onto PSN after 5pm; but it was certainly not the case with the Wii U market.

It is not just Steam either, the Playstation 4, Xbox One, Wii U networks are down as well. Not down completely, but there are a lot of people that can't log in at the moment.

If you think World War II is complex, take a look at the First World War.

Holy shit. I still have that. That was the greatest toy I ever had, hands down.

Why stop with the Intellevision when you could spend another $700 for the keyboard add-on? It's incredible, it even comes with a 4kb CPU!

Can I bypass the kicking mastery if I have nunchucks made out of cats?

Well, damn. Although we have a nickname for the amphitheater, due to the..ahem..."accent" of the woman in the Ask Gary commercials, my friends and I like to call it "the Ax."

It can't be worse than the "1-800-Ask-Gary Amphitheater."

It sucks to hear that but he has a big point. Even if every single one of those 100,000 people purchased the game, that is still a small number of sales for a major company like Nintendo. I don't know what the exact numbers are, but I haven't heard too much about the Virtual Counsel release of Earthbound after the

With an unregulated, free market system, YOU ARE CAPABLE OF ANYTHING IN THIS VIRTUAL WORLD.

The biggest tip off is when you see all of our avatars wearing ten gallon hats and driving Hummer 2's with chain guns strapped to the sides.

The nostalgics can be so damn annoying. I have been a collector for nearly my entire life, and I take pride in saying, "Yes, these older games are fantastic, but there are also a lot of new games that can be just as fun." These people need to stop treating opinions they formed when they were 9 years old as an

The irony is that eBay is practically a haven for premium pricing and scalping nowadays. Cheaper my ass.