Started as a Cleric and Ended up an Innkeeper

Even though I have a 3DS with Link's Awakening on it, I still play the game with my GBC copy. Unless Nintendo decides to establish a way to connect a 3DS with a GameBoy Printer for the hidden photos, I'm still going to kick it old school.

Comment of the next two days.

I love all of this attention Lupin III is getting. I died a little inside every time someone said that they didn't know what that was. Oddly enough, most people that had no idea, I met at anime conventions.


So I'm assuming this guy primarily deals in plains and swamp cards?

Jesus Christ...I should not have watched that video right before heading to bed.

Well, off to Paris I guess.

Where can I actually find the retail version? I'm a sucker for physical content and I can only seem to find the eShop version.

"Do you like physdicks? Are you a gay fish?"

The newest breakthrough in computer technology...DICK PHYSICS.

The worst part is that I believe that there are certainly some dirty politics going on with all of those rate hikes. I was the recipient of one of those infamous letter from my health insurance company and the odd thing is that there really wasn't any change at all in what's covered. Yet they still hiked up the

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Nothing will ever beat Terry Tate: Office Linebacker.

Go big or go home.

Is it just me, or does the agent on the cover of Riot Act look like Lupin III?

The game is still fantastic. I paid $10 for it earlier this month and I don't even regret it at all. ~$4 for a game that fantastc is a steal.

I would love it if Nintendo would put some more effort into transferring more Wii Virtual Console titles to the Wii U V.C.. I just downloaded Link's Awakening (via Club Nintendo) and I would love to be able to play it on my Wii U gamepad.

It can't be worse than Bitstrips appearing everywhere on Facebook. Those things are insufferable.

I have to admit, I think the Earthbound rerelease was one of the largest deciding factors to finally buy a Wii U. Laugh all you want, it's still cheaper than a boxed copy.

Let's hope the story holds up. Hooray for soul crushing postmodernism!

Alec Baldwin was in another Woody Allen film called "From Rome With Love," and he played as a famous and successful architect. Baldwin's character was pretty funny on the surface, but his character became a bit more serious on a deeper level when you start questioning his character's existence throughout the film. You