Started as a Cleric and Ended up an Innkeeper

You also have to pay $6.99 to listen to the last track.

Oddly enough, I could only think of the .Hack and Phantasy Star Online games when I heard the background music.

My greatest achievement in any Dragonball Z game was being able to beef up Burter in Tenkaichi 3 to the point that he is practically unstoppable. I would troll the hell out of other players in little Tenkaichi 3 tournaments I used to play in by winning (or getting ridiculously close) with a team of Early Goku(he can

I was hopelessly addicted to playing Tetris on my Ti-83. in the end I forced myself to uninstall my games because I was so distracted by it in class. To think how much better I could have been at math if I had paid attention in class.

I think I might have played Ocarina of Time too much, but that last one reminded me of Dins Fire...or Farore's Wind...or all of them because they used the same damn animation.

this seems so much prettier than "Adventure Out of Time!" I have been studying the Titanic since I was in the first grade, this is going to be so awesome.

Well, I guess it's time to get back to playing Populus on my SNES.

He really was awesome before his series came back and returned as a personified 12 year old /b/tard.



Since Deus Ex Machina is Latin for "machine of the gods," this clearly means the entire movie is going to be about God and his fancy new Volkswagen.

Go to bed cross! It all went to hell anyways after Augustus let all those damn equestrians in the senate. There is no more order in this world!

I...I didn't ask for this movie.

He is saying that a relationship should be one sided. Nothing says true love like a subservient woman.

There is probably more to this since this comment really didn't warrant him losing a job. Even though his comment was way too hyper sensitive and ill-construed. "A white person that imitates any other accent other than colonel Sanders or a W.A.S.P.? RACIST!!!

No matter what I may hear on the contrary, I will never regret buying my first gen PS3. Even though I have 2 Playstation's and 3 Playstation 2's (I don't actually buy my duplicate systems, they just some how come into my possession, and I am never one to complain about free counsels), I am too lazy to hit the switch


Thank you! Knowledgeable AND considerate.

True, but androgyny seems to be fairly prevalent in manga, anime, advertisements, etc.

You're right. Whoops, bad example.