Started as a Cleric and Ended up an Innkeeper

It was most likely a translation issue. Translating anything, especially literature, is an incredibly daunting task. Many languages contain single words that are not easily translated in other languages. So the editor has to think about what kind of word would fit best into the dialogue without deviating from the

This review just reminds me of how awful those power blocks were on the Sega CD,Genesis, and 32X. What? You wanted to have all three plugged in? TOO BAD.

Wow. "Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool.” Please read more into US and English history before you start insulting other nations. Also, the official American Thanksgiving is less than a century old and Canada still celebrates it as well. England eliminated their version of Thanksgiving

It's funny how things change. I used to love looking at those intro videos when I was a kid. Especially Banjo Kazooie. The music was great and after the music you would see a developers run through on a random level. Hell, I think I even discovered a few Jinjos and Jiggies from watching those videos.

Very few? Black Speak is practically based off of the language of the Hittites and it is *really* hard to get technical about West Saxon Old English since there are so many variations of the same word. Also, Quenya and Sindarin were originally inspired by Finnish and Welsh, respectively. It is believed that "searo" is

One other note: look up how many names from the Lord of the Rings universe that are actually West Saxon Old English words. "Sauron" will surprise the hell out of you.

Pardon, I thought you were talking about the song that was linked with the article.

Funny you should say that. I really like it as an end credits song. It presents an impression that something great (or tragic) is about to happen; and since Tolkien created the chant and not the song itself, I really like the placement and the tune since this is going to be part one in a three part series. It really

They did at one point. Also what are you basing this statement off of? I am nearly 100% sure that throughout history, the Russian government has been the largest perpetrator involved with the death of Russian citizens. If you count in battles during WWII in which Stalin essentially sent men out to be nothing more than

It's like, "Come on! It's only a butter knife!"

Watch out. Sony might sue you for using that .gif in reference to a game that is also affiliated with something other than Sony.

He is a white, landowning male.

It all depends, if you are anywhere in the vicinity of a white trash soccer mom or any Floridas, you might be in danger.

It is the day that we fight over things we want, immediately following the holiday in which we give thanks for everything that we already have.

I went to Walmart on black Friday last year and the poor woman(employee) who was unlucky enough to unwrap the rack of Xbox 360 games was nearly trampled when she began to tear the cover off the rack. Immediately after which, everybody stormed the rack and due to the force of the crowd it immediately fell over,


Actually could you help me out a bit? I'm still looking for the thing and I'm still not sure where to look.

I just want to be able to pull off a "Piccolo" and rip off my arm as a way of intimidating my opponent.

Man, these guys REALLY like the Limbourg brothers. The image with Jar Jar is a replication of the three Maji/kings coming to see the infant Jesus, so thankfully Jar Jar isn't a saint. Saint Guinefort would have been a better saint than Jar Jar.

Thanks! I do what I can.