Started as a Cleric and Ended up an Innkeeper

I guess it's all a matter of personal opinion. Granted, it's a far cry from the original series but Kirk and Spock were played really well. Kirk was always somewhat pompous and there were moments throughout the series in which Spock portrayed some seriously human attributes. I wasn't sure why Abrams turned the

Or hear the other abandoned Mars rovers in the distance...huddled together...weeping of their abrupt and sudden abandonment.

You can thank Johan Winkelman, the art critic for that whole "let's scratch off all this nasty 2,000 year old paint" issue. Oddly enough, he thought that Roman sculpture was second rate to the Greek sculptures, yet the majority of the statues he thought were Greek were actually Roman.

I love the Lannister family so much that I could care less of how weird those things look. The only thing keeping me away from them is the steep price tag.

Holy crap, I was just in that library! Right behind the camera is practically one of Cambridge's most incredible collection of important historical artifacts. Newton's cane, his diary, along with the oldest codex in Cambridge's possession. It took a lot of work to get in there but it was certainly worth it.

It's just another benefit from having a girlfriend from Mexico and a friend from Puerto Rico, handmade corn tortillas all up in this bitch.

Yes I did. So I expect new games to be fairly expensive. There might have been a loss in translation here but I was mostly speaking of older games (some that have even made the "greatest hits" discount price) that are so expensive that there is clearly some price gouging going on.

Historical fiction can be interesting, but it often meddles with people's historical knowledge. Just look at poor old Christopher Columbus. The fact that people are still teaching the "he proved the world was round" story kills me. That story was actually from a very old historical fiction novel.

I don't mind paying for games because I know of the hardships that the average game developer goes through when creating a game, even a mediocre one; but homebrewing wouldn't be so damn tempting if internet price gougers didn't inflate the market for imported games. There is no way in hell that I am going to pay $100+

That's why they're placing items like baseball cards and old action figures inside the drill. So just in case it does become completely buried, they now have the coolest and most expensive time capsule ever.

New in 16 bit!

40 million?!

It's stuff like this that makes me so glad that I'm an Enix fan more than a Squaresoft fan. I know they're the same company now but I am still yet to be seriously dissappointed by a major Dragon Warrior/Quest game. Ask me 12 years ago and I would have probably told you that I liked Final Fantasy a little more than

The thing is would you count a remake as a new game? Zero was pretty damn good, though. Oddly enough, I even had fun with Dead Aim (for some reason. I guess it was the fun factor of "okay, you control my movements and I'll shoot, I pray that I don't fuck this up")

Who cares if you're late to the party. I always wait a while to purchase a new game. (a few months or even a year or two. I'm in no rush.)

Why can't we have nice things?

At least we hear about Half Life 3.

I would say something directly to his comment but I'm afraid that he will reply. It hurt to read that post.

This made my morning.