Brenda Kwang

If they have trademarked 'Book of Mormon' does that mean they are making cash of the Broadway musical mocking them?

In fact, overpopulation of the human species is one of the gravest problems of the planet. Humans should be having less children, not more.

Honestly, I think Cleo's story is a little played out. I would think that a great subject for a movie that features a woman ruler who is also completely Egyptian is Hapshepsut.…

She was a total badass and a super effective and clever pharaoh. So effective and threatening, that her

He's a troll. Check his comment history.

I could see that being true. They should get Gubu to play her, if only to satisfy me.

"I imagine the preparation for it is going to be big."

Another white-skinned Cleopatra. So shocking.

More than anything else, my heart and mind goes out to this young woman who endured this. Fuck McLeod. I am focused on the very real, terrible anguish of this initial tweets when she so clearly communicated the pain and frustration of being assaulted and then struggled to articulate what had happened in the haze of

I'm betting he will lose, is the ability to graduate from a particular higher learning institution a right or something you'r entitled? Seems like the university's bylaws would be pretty clear about this kind of conduct/expulsion deal.

PLUS, I actually kind of LOVE the fact that he is suing. Because now his dumbass

Police will use any excuse to not prosecute rape cases. The famous Special Victims Unit in New York City is now staffed almost entirely by men, one of whom says that if a victim asks for a woman detective it means she's lying 9 times out of 10. He says she's lying because she thinks a female detective will fall

The beauty of being a rapist is, once you say "it was consensual" it is incredibly hard to prove otherwise. Particularly if the woman knows her rapist (which most do). The go to defense is, "she consented. she was too drunk to remember." So bros get girls drunk in public (look! witnesses to her drunkenness) then

The general thing to know is that for legal prosecution, they have to be able to provide enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. College honor code boards usually only need to be able to prove something along the lines of "more likely than not". It's completely typical that a college would have enough

i hope he gets sent back 2 australia it was made for criminals

Off topic, but why the fuck didn't the police decide to go forward with her case? And I hope this entitled little rapist shit loses his case SO MUCH.

I was mentioned by name in a suicide note by a boy I'd turned down. While I feel badly for his death, I do not, cannot and WILL NOT take blame for his actions because I refused to date him. I am so sick of this idea that men are owed a date/kiss/blowjob/anything just because they want it. Nobody owes anybody

1) The New York Post is not run by "journalists." It's a glorified tabloid run by the untrained.

"Girl Yo Dirty ass Coulda went to them people Wedding" just about sums everything up.

That's very pretty. I like the sleeves, the veil, the silhouette, pretty much everything. Third time's the charm for getting it perfect?

Wow, and here I was thinking I was rich and white just because I even got to GO to summer camp. This is some next level rich white people sheet.