Brenda Kwang

Can someone explain why there are costs to the school for having it on their property? Especially if it's outside in their stadium? I can't even see fees for the couple of maintenance people needed to set up a sound system or podium being that high. Mine was outside and bare bones. There were no extra employees

Bullying? yes. But it is also rape.

I would try to apologize for Florida, being a long time resident...but I'm old and tired.


Pat Sajak needs to STFU.

Didn't anyone involved in this thing at least think of considering Uzo Aduba? She's the Nina Simone-iest looking person ever, and she's an actress. The stars were aligning here, people.

This is clearly a ploy by Jay and Bey to finally get some publicity

Ask the men in charge. Women who shave their heads in the military get disciplined.

Another reason why black folks shouldn't join the armed forces of the US. It's like you're fighting for your benefit or that of the community from which you hail. Sadly, I know mass unemployment and lack of opportunities will continue to drive young black women and men to fight for the US, who does nothing to ensure

As a final "fuck you" to the NBA, Sterling plans on dying tomorrow.

Heres the thing though. Many of us, like me for instance, have a near trans-like relationship to gender. That's where you get butches, like me, and baby dykes and other identities which are usually part of what is referred to as queer culture. I mean, when you say 'performative' and 'fetishistic' I'm like, whoa insult!

Brenda, you have the written the most succinct synopsis, review, and argument on the issue of Sterling that I have read so far. Are you a lawyer by any chance?

On several online forums, people have been arguing that Donald Sterling and all American citizens have a right to be racist and that the video of his interaction with his girlfriend was a private affair involving surreptitiously recorded actions. These people making this case for the sanctity of private free speech

So instead of a moderate high rise, we have to make it an incredibly stupid looking coral thing in the middle of Queens? Really?

That's why it's a joke, and not a statement of actual fact, you humorless cunt.

At no point did Joan mock the kidnapping, rape, or torture. She was comparing her lavish living conditions to the squalid condition of Ariel Castro's house to make herself look like a spoiled, out-of-touch celebrity. That was the joke.

More people laughed at Joan's joke than cried about it, and that's all that matters.

Jesus christ, leave the comics alone. The finding humor in dark places is half the job description for being a professional comedian. This is basically the exact same as the Patton Oswalt vs Salon debacle. If you didn't find the joke funny, too bad. It wasn't made to offend you, it was (shockingly) made to make an

Or it's a result of the platform the internet provides for otherwise marginalize and silenced groups to *finally* be heard when they say "Please stop; that harms me,"...

So we shouldn't make a joke because three people into the entire fucking world could possibly be offended by it? Fuck that.