just like The Donald wrote “Art of the Deal” himself!
just like The Donald wrote “Art of the Deal” himself!
Dude really? I highly doubt any other potential first lady in recent years wrote their own convention speeches unaided. Michelle Obama definitely had one in 2008. I think it’s ridiculous to begrudge anyone the aid of speechwriters when they’re expected to give a speech that will be broadcast to millions, if not…
Yeah and I studied for that test for six weeks, and by six weeks I mean I wrote half a page of outline on night one, did nothing for the next five and s half weeks, occasionally looked at the cover of a book, and then panicked and did everything the night before.
Supposedly she worked with her speechwriter for six weeks. Six. Weeks.
She also Rick Rolled the audience:
Between this and the Trump/Pence logo, I am now convinced that there is a maybe not-so-small group of Republican operatives secretly trying to bring down Trump from the inside.
And there it is, there. He -like a lot of politicians - start tossing out phrases that make people applaud without saying anything.
Trump’s speeches are the same thing a comedian does when they perform at “City X.”
But I’m A Nice Guy, it's only 40 seconds long and it's amazing, please watch the whole thing if you like the gifs because it just gets better :)
Watch it, it’s forty seconds long and it is INCREDIBLE. One of my favourite animations ever.
it’s a whole cartoon. :) http://jezebel.com/animator-scott…
Psst. Dude. Dude. Not the time.
Being snarky can be a good strategy(in this instance) to make people realize the oppression women face at the hands of patriarchy. Also it helps oppressed people laugh about their struggle because sometimes that is the only thing that will get them through the day.
As a self enlightened individual, you have to understand the irony of the male feminist showing up to tell the ladeez to keep down the snark.
Yea I’m pretty sure the free ladies thing was created by dudes to get more chicks into the bar so it’s not a sausage fest.
Yeah asking for consent=sex on women’s terms? Like what?
Huh... given that I could see any campaign try to cover it up if they felt the perp was “essential” to the campaign, I really don’t have any solid guesses as to which campaign it could be.
Lots of trucks claim they aren’t liable for debris falling onto your car, etc.
It’s bullshit.
It does, however, reduce the number of claims.