Because of this piece, I ran to my local Craigslist curious if there were any for sale.
I had no idea they were that bad, a radiologist that used to live by me had a beautiful red one like yours and he drove it all the time, and there is an ophthalmologist I know that has the pickup truck one and he has had that thing for well over 10 years now, he also owns a Range Rover so I am suspect he is somewhat…
I still think it's stolen.
Yeah I've never heard a good thing about the old 6.5, the H1 Alpha with a Duramax is where it's at. Unfortunately those things cost waaay more to reflect this, a quick look at Ebay says they go for $100k or more.
Okay, so you DID buy a Hummer. It was a little unclear if it was yours, a friends, stolen...whatever. Cool.
RIP in peace? Rest In Peace, in peace?
Clarkson is the dick. Morgan is just a jackass.
He is the Hellcat Challenger of TV hosts. Loud, Heavy, Old, Hate him but love what it/he does so much.
...or any conversation with Clarkson. I mean, seriously, an argument with a producer? Really? That's just an everyday occurrence on pretty much any film set.
both are, but if I was forced to take sides I'd go with Jezza every time.
We're not quite sure what the "fracas" was, but we'll be updating as we get more information.
The Top Gear USA haters were right. Upon contact with Tanner Foust, Top Gear died. RIP in Peace Top Gear :(
No one would watch it without him. They know that, and I hope the producer gains some sense. Clarkson has been doing his job for well over 25 years.
"fracas - a noisy quarrel" according to Webster dictionary, which is exactly how I'd expect a british fight to be described.