
Pictures of the meaty bastards I took at Oshkosh last year.

I understand completely the idea of removing the chance of a driver being killed, no matter how safe a car is a driver can still die. But will I be able to see a processor drive the car beyond its capabilities? Ala Zanardi passing Herta at Laguna Seca? Like Rossi and Marques banging elbows and bars at the Dutch TT?

The problem for me (and perhaps others) is that you lose the sensation of danger. It’s like old time gladiators or even MMA vs robot fighting shows we have now. I don’t want to watch my favorite or even my least favorite driver die in a race, however I do enjoy that these people are putting their lives at risk for the

No one knows for sure, but I am preparing a Kickstarter page to buy the site just in case.

Isn’t RC racing already a thing?

There is no problem with innovation. There is a problem with ass-backwards and counterintuitive regulations.

There’s at least some truth to almost every single one of those statements. I still love it here though, warts and all. I would be sad if Jalopnik stopped existing.

I read somewhere that Gawker employs like 300 people, so you're 301 on the list.

the notion of “fair and balanced” has led us down the path to “news” now meaning “people scream at each other from opposite ends of a spectrum, while ignoring everything between them.”

Got to love the irony going on here. In a thread full of people complaining about how circle-jerky Jalopnik is the one guy with a different opinion gets downvoted. Good work guys.

“On Media Bias:

In the beginning, there was TTAC and CarDomain, and most of it was shit. Then Wert looked down and was like “Jalopnik, yo” and he saw that it was pretty sweet. Spinelli said "It is not good for this guy to be alone" so he hired Hardibro. On the third day he rested because these media types like to rest a lot. POLAR

If the guy who fucks cars rejected your idea, then nobody needs to know.

What if we decided to sew two people and a car together to make a Human Chevettipede?

I’ve never seen someone wrote a story for a website about how many times they’ve gotten a story rejected by that website, all while highlighting the increasingly inane stories they’ve had published by said website.

You drove a Chevrolet chevette, and said that it “wasn’t that bad”?


There are few things sadder than a mentor's disappointment.