have you been to Oregon? they think everyone should be self-flagellating for their sins against others and the environment. Speaking of which how stereo typical, an Oregonian buying a used Prius gets an offensive CAPTCHA... may as well have been a vermont lesbian buying a subaru and getting BULL D!KE as a captcha
But then CarFax would have to pay royalties if CAPTCHA came up with "8675309"
He needs to know if the battery pack is gluten-free
He was checking the CarFax to see if it was a locally grown, conflict-free, non-GMO Prius.
typical Prius owner. Getting offended on behalf of a segment of society to which they do no belong. Often times reacting in a more dramatic fashion than whose who are part of that segment.
The fact that he had to include the reason he was using the site to find a Prius makes him a tool to begin with. The fact that he demands a donation for the error makes him an even bigger tool than the typical Prius owner.
He probably voted for Nader in 2000.
Everyone's a victim, don't ya know!
*eye twitch*
However, Francis says that the statement doesn't go far enough and he asked CarFax to give a donation to the NAACP or another civil rights organization.
I don't understand why Mr. Butthurt in Oregon thinks CarFax should have to give money to someone for a problem that's entirely CAPTCHA's doing, and probably a computer-generated accident at that.
Don seems like a guy who is professionally outraged.
Just a matter of time before greenie weenie Portlandia Prius dope wants some kind of settlement for emotional distress, too.
I have stood alongside runways as B-1s blasted off for training missions and one phrase can describe it: Loud as…
What I find odd is that I don't recall ever seeing one of those CAPTCHA things that didn't have a number in it.
This is less a CARFAX problem than a CAPTCHA problem, though, isn't it? So CARFAX saying "Will do whatever we can to make sure it does not happen again" doesn't really mean anything.