
This guy exemplifies the entire South Park "Smug Alert" episode.

have you been to Oregon? they think everyone should be self-flagellating for their sins against others and the environment. Speaking of which how stereo typical, an Oregonian buying a used Prius gets an offensive CAPTCHA... may as well have been a vermont lesbian buying a subaru and getting BULL D!KE as a captcha

But then CarFax would have to pay royalties if CAPTCHA came up with "8675309"

However, Francis says that the statement doesn't go far enough and he asked CarFax to give a donation to the NAACP or another civil rights organization.

He needs to know if the battery pack is gluten-free

"I know it, but I don't think I should say it"

He was checking the CarFax to see if it was a locally grown, conflict-free, non-GMO Prius.

typical Prius owner. Getting offended on behalf of a segment of society to which they do no belong. Often times reacting in a more dramatic fashion than whose who are part of that segment.

The fact that he had to include the reason he was using the site to find a Prius makes him a tool to begin with. The fact that he demands a donation for the error makes him an even bigger tool than the typical Prius owner.

He probably voted for Nader in 2000.


Everyone's a victim, don't ya know!

*eye twitch*

However, Francis says that the statement doesn't go far enough and he asked CarFax to give a donation to the NAACP or another civil rights organization.

I don't understand why Mr. Butthurt in Oregon thinks CarFax should have to give money to someone for a problem that's entirely CAPTCHA's doing, and probably a computer-generated accident at that.

Don seems like a guy who is professionally outraged.

Just a matter of time before greenie weenie Portlandia Prius dope wants some kind of settlement for emotional distress, too.

What I find odd is that I don't recall ever seeing one of those CAPTCHA things that didn't have a number in it.

This is less a CARFAX problem than a CAPTCHA problem, though, isn't it? So CARFAX saying "Will do whatever we can to make sure it does not happen again" doesn't really mean anything.