
That’s kind of the problem though, she wasn’t being held back, or restrained. They were carrying her out, and her arms were free, and she did something drunk and stupid people do. Maybe the plan was to get her out of there really quick to diffuse the situation. I’m unclear on who these officers are, police or

Yes, in fact. His hit stunned her, preventing her from flopping around any further and possibly falling out of the hold of the other officers onto the concrete (which might have resulted in her cracking her head on the pavement).

I agree whole-heartedly. Nameless midnight is a goddamn monster. Better than hung jury ever was.

I have yet to find a scout rifle that competes with Nameless Midnight. Even MIDA.

I agree. At best having voted for Trump shows a profound lack of judgement and critical thinking. When I hear someone voted for Trump, they might as well tell me they enjoy eating turds, or that they regularly sleep with corpses. I do not want them working for me, or with me, nor would I trust them with any decision

There’s absolutely nothing Scary about what the Firewatch devs have done. This isn’t “we’re gonna randomly and unexpectedly take down your shit if we don’t like you or your politics!”

This is a downer.

I’m Rob Lee and I haven’t left the church. Y’all haven’t gotten rid of me yet.

*cuts bag open, dips pinkie finger* This is the good stuff, man, pure Kinja.

All currencies are a construct of human perception. The value of gold, paper money, this lint I have in my pocket, it’s all relative in value to what we can (for the most part) agree on. Bitcoin is no different. Its more abstract and newer therefore harder to establish consistency and uniformily agreed upon value… I

While this is awesome, these kind of stories give me pause as to the state of my home and the impression it would give to FBI raiders. Like was I really too tired to throw my clothes in the hamper last night? Would the FBI guys sit around the office post pre-dawn raid and muse “hey did you see tornado’s underpanties

Is going to do what? They’re barely NK’s ally, they just crushed them with sanctions and only remain its ally to try to prevent the country from destabalizing and refugees trying to flee over the border into China. Once a war starts, China has no reason to even pretend to be NK’s ally, because those things become

Exactly how is what he said racist...? He talks about failed states and poor transitions, combined with a socio-economic issue based on large-family size and easily inferred from said family-size, need. Takes a lot of Euro to feed 7-8 kids, vs 1-2. It isn’t racist at all. Large-family size is a pretty common

“Filming from an unapproved location” has quite a different tone then implying that the filming itself was illegal.

Let’s nip this one in the bud: filming opposing teams’ sidelines was only legal from designated areas in the stadium, and the Patriots’ tapes were filmed from outside those areas. So argue over how big a violation it was, but it was technically illegal the whole time.