
there is a yuuuuuge difference between "right leaning" and "Trump supporter"

'ze downvotes, zey do nothing!!!

Dear Elizabeth II,
Get him.

I just don't understand
1. How a minority opinion has become the law of the land with no regard for…. Anything or anyone else.
2. How the people in favor of this are afraid of things like 'sharia law' but pressing their twisted version of Christianity on this country.
3. How the fuck this is fixable.

Actual religion wise yes, but scientology leads in human rights abuses by a mile

Atlas shrugged is so bad though and this didn't sound so bad

Scientology is super fucked uuuuup

Between the switch board and this they sure "know what the people want, unlike the media"

@RichardBSpencer did you name it the alt-right in honor of that right hook?

I think it means he doesn't care what they're saying so much as there were a lot of them.

seriously what kind of schedule are they making him work if he's posting at 4 am?

how dare you compare the bible to fairytales.

I feel as though this story goes for dread more than fear. The children are brave because they resist Olaf's inevitability. I think it would have also worked holding Olaf back as they did in the book, but I liked the changes to the adaptation.

and even A) can be sketchy sometimes. You can't do it too soon but if you wait too long it circles back around to being… not weird, but more of a "that's nice dear"

….this isn't necessarily wrong though.

I rebel

I seem to remember burning effigies and calls for lynchings.

i like the new ones much better

In further comments Ewan said he was proud of his daughters for marching so he wasn't wholly unconnected to it

My bf worked at an auction house and they sold the nazi memorabilia during the firearms auction.
He doesn't work there any more.