
Is there a way to look up the fourteen words that doesn't give them page views or anything I don't want to encourage them.

We met him during filming. He went out of his way to walk over to us and was so nice.

No but we did see effigies of him being set on fire and….
…..oh yeah….

personally it helps with mine if I can actually drag myself to do it but it's so much fucking work half the time I'm just like "eh, I'll stay depressed". Which is part of the problem, I realize.

This special was amazeballs

Tiffany was literally less excited to be anywhere near politics than Bush, I give her a pass.

….now that you mentioned it I'm shocked he didn't make this joke first

Didn't he call the speech friday really bad?

like, the moon in 1945 many moons

i don't think that outfit is physically possible

i thought this said custard fuck and i was like ice cream is a liberal concept now!?!?!?

…..this broke my bullshit detector. Surely no

living with three, all over fifty pounds. 100% can confirm.

I wanted to upvote this but it's right at sixty nine

$20 bucks two is from people handing out scientology pamphlets in clearwater

I cry watching the fanfic every time. "He has other plans"

he put one on top of his car once

he's loving it

My dad got mad at me for making a joke about it on facebook. He was like "our school had a cougar outside just last year, not everything is like your school", and I asked him if he'd ever heard of animal control.

….oh look, an appropriate time to build a wall