
Yo when I first saw that GAP commercial I lost my mind. I was like no fucking way did they let that happen.

The question needs to be: Can you even make white people feel bad? The answer to that is a Hell no. I mean they shoot us in the streets and blame us for making them do it. They steal our culture and profit from it and then have the nerve to criticize us when we don’t say thank you. They use our children to make

I think her going after Bloomberg mostly benefits Biden, especially going into SC and the other southern states on Super Tuesday. Biden has been leading in the polls there by like 30 points in some places, but Bloomberg siphoned off about half of that support when he entered the race. Those people could go back to

Regarding the steady popularity of candidates like Michael Bloomberg among assorted black voters— all candidates deserve to be challenged vigorously. Including the ones we “like”. With regards to a Silent Generation personality like Mr. Bloomberg, it kind of goes without saying that a high degree of his favorability

Is Bernie still in the lead? Definitely. There’s a good 30% of the Dem electorate that will ride with him all the way. But that still leaves ~70%.

I’m not scared to travel at all, and have seen half the planet. Had fun in all kinds of sketchy places, but usually make a habit of learning some basic local words first like ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘where is the bathroom’ (3 essential traveller phrases).

Young professionals, small business owners, college educated, stay at home parents etc.

It feels stupid when realizing that this majority isn’t just the frothing seas of MAGA, but also the white people who seem to be otherwise…decent. A morning shift barista at your favorite neighborhood coffee shop. A co-worker you share silly memes and quiche recipes with. A small forward on your rec league basketball

Popular transgender comedian, activist, and actress- Daphne Dorman,
-dies of suicide.

This shit doesn’t just smell fishy, it smells like a goddamn cannery. In one fell swoop, the Dallas PD gets to murder a key witness, set up a potential retrial for Killer Becky with the Elmer Fudd face and paint negroes as stupid.

You may express your hatred in the comments section, as is traditional.

My co-worker took 16 months off for paternity leave in Canada

“tRUMP being a racist is bad but it’s nothing compared to the 17+ women that have credibly accused the current P.O.S.TUS of sexually assaulting them including a 14 year old child and even his own first wife!”

I used to be surprised at how easily white people seem to be surprised when they discover that racism is real. Usually its when they see it happen first hand to a black person they’re friends with or dating. Now I get it. White people have the luxury of living in a bubble that minorities don’t. They can be around

This. Right. Here. The only way I would have hung up is if they disconnected the call first. Stay firm, don’t raise your voice, curse or call them out of their name but stay with it until you get your ticket and/or money back. You are NOT going to take money from me and we not have a 9+ hour conversation about it.

$4000? NIGGA. Who we fighting? It would be well worth going to jail to slap everybody who came at you with the shits.

What I’ve learned with arilines is that you have to be the pettiest of petty people to get right. Otherwise, they will take your coins with zero fucks given.

I trained a young’un to say, when he flushed the toilet: “Swim, poops! Swim for your lives!” That won him the approval of adults, which meant he had an endgame that would make the toilet-pooping worth his while.

F$@K YOU to all the people that whine “He should have just shown His ID” we do not live in a police state( yet) when a person is relaxing in their yard and anyone can just come up and say I want to see your ID. That is NOT acceptable! His children learned a lesson. And another Fu@k you to the people who dont