
Accompanied by Coke or Pepsi?

I'm one of your three! And myholygod, I hated them, too!

I appreciate your intelligent response(s) and also the fact that you're not rising to the bait. (I am, however, seriously reconsidering my original opinion and have just about decided that yes, evidently everything does have to be about race. Unfuckingfortunately. Although I can place the blame on Shrayber's

That little weasel was so cute, I'd be tempted to relieve my partner of his balls before I'd go after a weasel. Being a woman is hard.

Thank you a million times over for those last two sentences. It makes me all floopy inside to realize that you young 'uns know primo shit when you hear it. Brava! ETA: You are an impressive piece of work, Emma Golddigger.

Oh, my goodness, I'm so there with you on this! How can anyone pass up the opportunity to witness just how far his ass-hattery can go? I think it would be kind of similar to watching the Fall of the Roman Empire in one semester. Pompeii, Sodom and Gomorrah, throw in a little Baal, Caligula...lord, it would be EPIC!

You're expecting too much from yourself far too soon. Give it time, do the work ("it's a process"), know that you've dodged a major bullet and relax. Please trust me when I say this: You will look back on this and wonder why you wasted even a minute of your time. But you've got to do the wasting to get to the

The envy/jealousy card is being played a little late here. Just out of minor curoisity: What on earth does Angelina Jolie have of which I am jealous or envious? If you're going to make such a sweeping generalization, I'd hope you'd have the balls to make some attempt to back it up. ETA: And I guarantee you ...

"...a cross-disciplinary team..?" Everybody had the grumps that day.

Just one time: WHAT THE FUCK DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? Just once. Please.

I think that sometimes too much introspection can lead to disappointment; if you choose not to be too hard on yourself, it can make for a more comfortable existence. I've certainly never been great at anything and am not even passably good at anything; if I thought about it any more than I am right now ... well, that

Don't be such a fucking stranger, Leopold. We were having the worrieds.

Maybe if Nicole had killed OJ?

I knew it! I knew it!! Shrayber, you never disappoint, that's for sure!

As long as it's not Aramis, I'm good. I think Old Spice is still the best.

Your "sprightly" reminded me: Right after I'd turned 66, I was in an exam room waiting for my doctor, who came in with the insidious, "So, we're 66 years young, are we?" And he said it reeeeaaaalllllyyyy slowly. I turned to MrRDog and said, "That's the first time anyone's ever said anything like that to me. You

I'd like a little insight into their Coke v. Pepsi stance. And, as always, the pop v. soda thing.

The pestilence was also a bitch.

Thanks, DT. "Delightful" is the perfect word. This whole thing has made me uncommonly happy!

Whoo-hoo! I'm well on my way to passing the 70-year-old! No, wait...