2014 WRX > 2015 WRX ... please logically rebut my assertion, I dare you
Is the @Dzhokhar_A Twitter account real? It just tweeted "do not approach" less than five minutes ago and no one is interacting with it.
Does that imply the cable median sliced through the vehicle and presumably the deceased occupant? If so that's fucking scary...
I just don't understand why GM refuses to offer a manual w/ AWD. Its the same story as the Cadillac ATS. I appreciate that I can get RWD and a manual with the Caddy, but until the Regal and ATS have option of AWD w/ stick, they simply will remain afterthoughts to Audi/BMW. With that said, I would love to buy an ATS…
It's funny b/c I finished playing college football only three years ago. Since then the game has changed completely. I'm wondering if a new no-holds-bar league could finally compete with NFL's now fake brand of football?
Rodger, I'm sorry but this isn't football anymore. I hate you.
This is why police officers are morons. Every police officer in the goddamn country is trying to defend this guy. People in power deserve to be held accountable. Flashing someone because they are driving like an asshole doesn't justify trying cause an accident at highway speeds EVER!!! Any PO that wants to tell…
This should be Bill Cowher... I heard somewhere one time that "Cahr Pahr" gets the job done... something about getting one for the thumb...
I definitely added to this statistic personally...
What was lamer Tanner Foust or 2013 Fusion?
So what did you really think of the Fusion? How much understeer was edited from that video?
I know CTV-V is a obvious choice but what about the BMW Alpina B7.... seen some online for less than $20,000 and the car is less than 10 years old, costing well north of $100k when new.
The part that I find hilarious is that Manti says he is "far from gay," as if we are all supposed to believe there is no possible way someone like him could be gay. That would rely on the presumption that Manti is out banging ND football groupies like every other D1 football player does. Its a fact that college…
#Mantiesman #Manlie
How come Deadspin is only media outlet that wants to fuck Te'o up with the truth... please don't let Te'o publicist finagle his way out of this for him... he tried to use this story to become a Mantiesm, so please keep exposing him for the Man-lier he is....
I must agree with your lazy-eyed ass....
Hey Deadspin, how about a hyperlink explaining the "Ty Law" Rule... that might less confuse things... throw me a bone
What's with Bill throwing in a lipper during the game? We all know he wasn't drinking coffee out of that mug at 11:30 pm. Big fucking deal deadspin....