I agree it’s a painful decision, but is there any data to back up the claim that not having partners in the delivery room will lead to increased maternal and infant mortality?
I agree it’s a painful decision, but is there any data to back up the claim that not having partners in the delivery room will lead to increased maternal and infant mortality?
All the Kylies I’ve known have been bitches #TeamNoKylie
I would like my adulting prize now. I’m 50 and I finally figured out a Credit Union is the BEST way to finance my mortgage and stop being raped by Big City Bank. I got a refi for absolutely free, got 1.5 percentage points off my previous mortgage, they appraised my house 30% more than the Big Bank did, and made my…
A lot of people have brought up mental health struggles as a basis for disagreeing with this article, and as someone who suffers from depression and anxiety, I completely agree.
It’s fast food. It’s not displacing Mexican restaurants in the average Chipotle-eater’s diet, it’s displacing burgers and fries and other worse fast food.
Idk why somebody has to ask this question every single time because it’s not particularly baffling. It’s the same reason anybody gets fast food - you’re not going to Chipotle for authentic Mexican cuisine, you’re going to Chipotle because you want Chipotle
Marsala is beautiful! I think I was just forever scarred by Tangerine Tango.
My thought was “Ugggghhhhhhhhhhh these colors won’t look good on me. Marsala for life”
This douchenozzle runs on a CONSERVATIVE ticket. What about this is conservative? Do I not grasp the actual definition of conservative? I live in his god-damned state, making less than $20,000 a YEAR and struggling to make it day to day and he gets to spend $6.5 MILLION DOLLARS in 70 days? Gee, I wonder what $6.5…
Set the bar low for what? Someone to have a drink with or be interested enough to follow? I didn’t say I wanted to vote for her, I’d just like to know her.
::raises hand:: I am. Sorry. I disagree entirely with her on most issues, and I’m very upset by the fact that killing PP is the hill she wants to die on, but damn if she can’t command a room full of bloviating old white men. She fascinates me and I totally want to share a couple of bottles of wine with her.
Yep, that’s what I think, too. My guess is Kaitlyn and Shawn zeroed in on one another from the first episode, and a lot of the guys flaming out at the beginning is indicative of what Nick mentioned where everyone knows Shawn is the frontrunner. The producers freaked out because K and S can only do so much together…
Tough to comment on this ep. I loved when Shawn said ‘No, because I want you.’ I loved his calm but dying inside demeanour. I think the truth is that K and S have a really intense thing going and the producers brought Nick in because for some reason this dude has a miracle dick that Bachelorettes can’t seem to turn…
You're just gonna have to renew your vows...
you guys should definitely just recombine your last names after you get married.
You've gotta stand up to the in-laws! Today it's no McHorny, tomorrow they'll demand to choose your china pattern and name your kids! NIP IT.
Bree, you should have gone with McHorny. I fear you will regret this for the rest of your life. I know that I will regret it for you.
I am getting married in November to a wonderful man with the last name Brown. We wanted to do a hashtag for the wedding so I went to a wedding hashtag generator... Some were predictable, others made me gasp with laughter. We have settled on the most inappropriate, cause that is what we do. #TakeMeToBrownTown
Soooo, what does bragging in the Jezebel comment section about how little you mention your relationship at Facebook say about you?