But who is getting the coveted “Best Boy” credit?
But who is getting the coveted “Best Boy” credit?
“Traction Park” has been a mainstay in Jersey for like forty years now, they used to queue ambulances outside.
So this is just quaint, really. Anyone who finds it shocking is awfully naive.
A Kansas grand jury handed down a 20-count indictment against the management of well-known water park company…
Internet streaming service! What the bloody hell is internet streaming service?!
I have always had a thing for “Hell’s Grannies”.
That’s what I love about their humor. It is so silly yet so rich in intellectual humor. And as I learn more, I discover new things to appreciate about their comedy.
Hard to pick, but I think this might be my favorite bit
Prepare yourself for a new deluge of high-pitched voices and endless, addictive quoting, internet folks, because…
Marginally better than my campaign starring Barry the “Don’t Shoot Your Wife” Beagle.
I can’t imagine anybody making a superhero as idiosyncratic and defiantly strange as Batman Returns now. There’s too much emphasis on world building in the storylines, of a film acknowledging its place in the scheme of a multi-movie arc.
Im pretty sure thats only one of many reasons not to rewatch that one... though it does succeed in some very odd ways that make it a watchable curiosity of terrible
Im not gonna lie “Seduce and Destroy” is a pretty fun tag line
Before everyone gets all self-righteous about how regressive this scene was, let’s just remember the historic realities behind it. Women were still regularly bought and sold at auction when the Pirates of the Caribbean ride opened in 1967. As recently as 1953, JFK had paid three herds of cattle and a room full of gold…
Does this mean my wife’s “We wants the redhead” t-shirt is now a collectors’ item?
The Toy has given me everlasting nightmares about going into secluded watering holes. Rich people be crazy.
Great. Where am I supposed to get my wenches now?
I’d argue that caution goes back as far as the animator’s strike of 1941, where it was made clear to the creative types that it was Walt’s way or the highway. It got worse after Walt died in ‘66, which lead to the two decade decline managed by people who were more interested in the studio’s profitable but creatively…
You mean I was whackin’ it to a lie that whole time??!!
They did.
Chinese food faux pas: there are none