Cooking with Cranston

ugh what the Hellman

Reminds me of the French & saunders Wagon Wheel sketch.

The best I’ve seen was in one of the Jackass movies or episodes. A homeless looking guy goes digging in the trash and pulls up a baby diaper and starts eating out of it. It was actually a burrito inside a diaper. Genius.

I read an article a few years back about various foods and drinks you could consume out of a different container in public to shock passersby. I believe eating yogurt from a mayonnaise jar was on the list. Maybe that’s what they’re doing? My favorite idea from the list was blue Gatorade from a Windex bottle.

Wow, those tweets are still cheaper than Henry Cavill’s CGI Moustache removal in Justice League.

Two girls, one jar.

This actually reveals a surpringly thoughtful side to the otherwise brutish Sonny Corleone. I wouldn’t normally expect some mob shithead to care whether or not his goomah is uncomfortable when he’s banging her, but apparently it bothers Sonny enough that he prefers, apparently at great risk to his own personal safety,

Only paralleled by the underage sewer gang bang in “It” in terms of “...the FUCK did I just read!?”

The description somehow undersells the bizarre nature of the vagina subplot in The Godfather. Her whole arc is about how no man is satisfied with her cavernous vagina—except for Sonny Corleone, whose own freakish penis had never before encountered a woman who could handle it without agony.

maybe it’s not done yet.

“Candidate Hillary was the result of a lifetime of programming by political consultants; when she appeared in public you could almost see her thinking about mannerisms, pitch, volume.”

It’s also a lifetime of being a woman in the public eye and having to deal with an antagonistic press that was out to get her, i.e., a

He had everything that Hillary did not. It went beyond charisma, which he had in spades, to an effortless empathy. When he said “I feel your pain” you believed it, no matter how artificial it may have been. Candidate Hillary was the result of a lifetime of programming by political consultants; when she appeared in

KB used to have KILLER clearance video game and PC game deals. I spent a lot of time pouring through their back catalog of games that they were selling for way cheaper than anywhere else. Of course some was shovelware and games nobody wanted, but there were plenty of gems to be had as well if you were willing to look

Now playing

What gets me about the show is that I find it hard to find the joke.

I know how dogs eat spahett that scene is going to be short:

I think people underestimate (or refuse to acknowledge...?) how influential and pervasive the Christian metalcore scene was.

And when Sears and Kmart go under, I smell a comeback for Service Merchandise.

I have a feeling that the scene of Doctor Strange being tortured is actually Ebony Maw fetching the Time Stone from whatever other dimension Strange tries to hide it in when they find out what they’re up against (which according to the prequel comics, for Strange should already be happening, since Wong talked at

Anne Hathaway in old age makeup would’ve been a better choice. She resembles her more and can actually sing quite well.

He eats his own disappointments. That’s why he’