Barbara Walter's Peg Leg

I don’t get hangovers, but sometimes I wake up with flu-like symptoms after a night of libations.

This is the cringiest thing I have read in the comments, I think I need a shower to wash off the stench of bigoted bullshit that is waffling off of this.

The FA’s will certainly attempt to settle disputes, but the the authority on the jet lies with the pilot in command. The FA’s authority is delegated from the pilot.
Some pilots will backup the FA’s call, and some may decide differently.
If a FA tells someone to move to another seat, and they refuse, the pilot is going

In a suburb, not a city, but the biggest widely recognized dick move around here is for bicyclists to treat themselves as cars in the long stretches between lights (it slows down traffic, but it’s legal and fair), but to pop up one the sidewalk and pretend to be pedestrians at corners so that they can blow through the

What Omar said was that not all Muslims were behind 9/11. The attacks she’s getting as a result are people trying to say, “We want to be able to be racist against all Muslims and 9/11 is our excuse.”

“I don’t actually know what any of this about, I’m just saying what Hannity told me to”

best cheap beer: Corona

Well at least that will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment 

I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a job qualification.

This probably makes me sound like a horrible feminist, but I really don’t give a flying fart that you had kids and also worked, considering you have enough money to pay for good childcare and health insurance without having to worry about paying your rent.  I’m sick of her throwing “being a mom” out there like it’s a

Manning’s about the only one in that trifecta of fuckery worthy of any kind of respect. She fucked with OPSEC something serious, and definitely violated her oath of service to the military, but at least she had the courage of her convictions required to face the consequences of her actions.

Snowden leaked his info to

How do you reconcile the fact that the state you’re so gung-ho to protect are fucking war criminals?

“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!

“I don’t have health insurance” is not the flex you think it is, lady. 

Look, if they want a better job, they should buy more money.

I was an extremely bad baseball player. They used to start me and bat me 9th on the off-chance that two innings would take place before my spot in the batting order came up, and I could be pulled having played my league-mandated two innings.