
Sheer genius.

Well, another angle is that Kamin is a pretty safe choice, given that they have no idea who the probe is going to find; you don't want to put a total stranger in a situation that requires a lot of knowledge of the world going in. And, given the agency that Picard clearly has, the character is really only a starting

Sorry for the double, comments were acting weird there for a sec.

Ah, I see. Actually, given the influx of new TV Club classic series I would like to follow this summer, a TNG hiatus might actually not be the catastrophe it initially appears to be.

Given the huge influx of classic TV club series for this summer that I want to follow, a TNG reprieve might actually be beneficial.

Inner Light
Glad to see the A+. From our past discussions, I feel like most of us feel this is well-deserved.

Todd VDW Lied
The surprise IS DS9!

Original was better, yadda yadda, studios ruining cinema with 3D, etc.

Don't antagonize Murray too much, Broyles. I hear he has a penchant for punching people squarely in their right eye.

I agree. As much as I disliked most of this episode, that gag was pretty great.

@Noel Noobie for sure. A fan review has no audience, as other fans have likely already heard anything it would say, and newcomers would probably be alienated.


Not to imply that this list is insufficient in any way, but Sons and Daughters and The Unit would be my requests.

TNG "surprise" announcement
DS9 is not going to be a surprise.

That scene is also the first one in the book, IIRC. I'm probably going to re-read this soon, as I haven't read it since I was in high school.

Yeah, I always thought DS9 did a pretty good job of letting the viewer carry their own belief or nonbelief systems along with them in their enjoyment of the show and its explorations of faith, etc. Never got the vibe that we were supposed to particularly side with either the rational or the mystical/theistic



Yeah, I always hated the Borg babies shown in Q Who, because they didn't make any sense at all with the assimilation model. But you are correct, sir, that seems to not be the model they originally conceived of for the Borg. Seems so obvious now.

Or another two-part episode.