
Sure was.

No, it's true that he is, in fact, assuming that.


I didn't start this one!

I imagine that speech will be the first three or four comments next week, as all of us try to make sure that this occurs.

Level 24!

Identity is the one where they find that creepy shadow, right? And then have the computer extrapolate the thing that makes it? Scared the crap outta 10-year-old me, especially coming right on the heels of Night Terrors.

There are no creeps on the internet, total or otherwise. Everyone knows that.

The other important aspect of this in my mind is that he didn't originally ask the computer to make the program. Nor, to our knowledge, does he ever revisit the program once its concrete, practical usefulness has passed. And to again clarify, I am defending Geordi much more than I am defending the writers who saw

When we get to this mysterious what?

The what?

To clarify, I think how he reacted during this episode is certainly a bit creepy. But expecting to her to be as the computer portrayed her back in season 2 isn't.

I think there's another way to look at it. Geordi spends a great deal of his time immersed in reliable, concrete technology. The computer claimed that the holodeck re-creation of Leah is based on her psyche profile, etc, so Geordi fell into a trap of thinking what the computer was showing him was, in fact, reality.

I love that its condition is "Used"

This is unrelated, ik, but I read every comment of yours in Bender's voice. Generally makes them even funnier.

Isn't it awesome there was never an episode that featured both of those things at once? I bet if there had been, I would have completely erased it from my memory.


Pretty sure it was implied in the series finale, but I haven't seen it since air. Anybody confirm?

I remembered it being well-lit, but my re-watch yesterday revealed that it was far dimmer than the cargo bays usually are. At least, I think it was, I was watching the ep on my phone at the gym, so it can be hard to tell.

Night Terrors
I found it odd that Guinan seemed unaffected by the sleep disruption, but did not really help at all aside from shooting the ceiling 30 seconds before the end of the threat. Additionally, I am surprised that they had neither her nor Picard hallucinate a Borg. That could've been awesome.