“The problem with the new Lion King is that the animals just aren’t expressive enough”
“The problem with the new Lion King is that the animals just aren’t expressive enough”
have you never been able to feel joy or is this more a recent development?
Hate to say it, but D&D made the right decision and maintained a holistic vision for the show’s ending. Excellent direction would have been jarring alongside piddle-poor writing.
I genuinely enjoy Dave’s success. He seems very earnest and welcoming. Plus he loves Pittbulls and his mama.
Bautista is the only one to come out of this stupid thing with an even better reputation than he had going in. It takes a lot of courage as a relatively new movie star to take a stand against the Disney behemoth, and he was tenacious in his defense of Gunn.
She’s playing Dana Barrett? That’s weird, my understanding was THERE IS NO DANA ONLY ZUUL!
On the one hand you have Carrie Coon and Finn Wolfhard. Now if we can get Jaimie Foxx, Bear Gryllis, Megan Fox, Samantha Bee and music by Sheryl Crow, John Cougar Mellencamp and Seal, maybe a special appearance by Tiger Woods, we’ll have quite the menagerie on board.
She’s constantly eating pretend food and starving what more do you want from her.
On the one hand, I imagine filming these films back-to-back in an order that only makes sense from Feige’s point-of-view makes them hard to keep track of in your mind.
I was in denial for a bit and went to bat for the Phantom Menace for a few years. It took AOTC for me to realize what a shit pile the prequels were. ROTS is also terrible and I can’t take people who claim it’s better than ROTJ seriously. Pretty much the only defense for TPM is the light saber duel / Duel of the fates…
Sounds too much like a weird Obama dig. How about “Saudi Alabama?”
Talibama. Pass it on.
...and some things weren’t even that interesting to read, to be honest.
Eh, I don’t have any issues with finishing in 7, and adapting Martin’s novels as-is would have been a pretty fucking tedious 10 seasons. Can you imagine multi-season arcs devoted to Young Griff of the Red Herring and Prince Quentyn the Crispy? Nah, nothing wrong with 7 seasons in theory--it’s just that D&D cocked up…
The digital tech has become so good now that the differences are largely in texture, ie some people prefer analogue film grain. There are digital grain post solutions but to the highly trained eye, the differences are noticeable. There’s a nostalgia factor to it. Spielberg says the texture of moving film grain makes a…
You mean how she strategically got her father and indirectly her mother and brothers killed by the Lannisters?
She also ran all the ethernet at Winterfell and setup the Wifi
It’s weird. They still have political stuff, he’s just making every wrong choice he can with it. But it’s not like they can just write him off the show.