
All that cast shuffling and they still couldn't get rid of Evangeline Lily?

My god.

"There’s probably a whole separate essay to be written about how every one of Cersei’s insecurities is rooted in that fateful encounter with the witch."

Can't play much, but man you shoulda seen their strokin' arms!

For the same reason that punk music is occasionally enjoyable.

That's stupid. But I like it.

As perfect as "Heroes" is in studio, Bowie's live version on Stage blows my mind every time. He kills it for the outro. Kills it!

I agree, reality confessionals are totally ruining this garbage television genre.

Fat Doggin It may be the closest representation of my own mental illness that I have ever seen on television.

Was nobody else emotionally crippled by "The Second Coming", wherein AJ takes a long swim after a bad day? I didn't even like the kid but that was rough.

do you know why I am not allowed in McDonald's any more

Don't worry about it, man. Everybody KNOWS what you're talking about.

Tell that to the French, man! That is, if you can decipher the unholy gibberish they call "speaking".

did you know that i knew that

Yeah! You… wait, it's not fun now.

I really want to take a screenshot of the first two comments in this thread, and then photoshop Peter's reply into something like "Yes, that is an observation! Ha! Ha!" and then just pretend that's what really happened to the last hour of my life.

Not everything has to be a knee-slapper, dude. You're completely missing every minute aspect of what is being said here, like right above when you thought a guy was implying that nobody can make more movies in a franchise if they've released a box set.

That last sentence! Right there! You're so close, but refusing to see it! It's not about what came after their Alien movies, because the directors did good things afterwards! It's about how their Alien movies sucked, so maybe Blomkamp's will too, nullifying the goodwill the internet seems to have for him right now!

did you know that exact same thing has happened

I want to hit the share button on this comment but I'm afraid.