
Dixon wrote it, Howlin' Wolf recorded the single; Wolf wrote and recorded Smokestack. LOL at Hard to Handle. They could make that the whole campaign. "Other supplements are just drug store lovin'; our pills are Hard to Handle, now yes sir am."

Just being neighborly. Also, shouldn't that be the Howlin' Wolf song they use in the ED commercials? Or is it too on the nose and that is why they go with Smokestack?

I always liked how his songs had this kind of MOR, almost the Wave groove—what the kids today are calling yacht rock—and then in the middle, Brent would start ranting "This song's my last song for you BITCH" and kill the whole Michael McDonald vibe.

I must have taken the wrong pill, then. I was on a date, and afterwards we both admitted we were both hoping the other one didn't like it.

Jesus, the worst part was the trailer before it. It was so boring. And long. It was like an ad for the most boring episode of Star Trek ever. And then I realized halfway through: this is for The Phantom Menace. And it's going to be terrible.

Everybody seemed to like it, I thought it was horrible. It's not like Battlefield Earth or something everybody agrees is awful. It was like a fifth grade book report on Phillip Dick with a special effects budget.

Does The Matrix count? That movie sucked.

I was born in Boston, and at least once a week I thank the stars that my family moved before I turned 3. The worst thing of all is a movie set in Massachusetts.

Texas and Massachusetts are two of my least favorite states.

Is Breitbart a new sponsor for SXSW or something? Wow. They just pissed away all their credibility.

It is a little like that, but there is less music. And less Keith, John and Roger. Actually, there is a very little bit of Keith in this, but you have to know 200 Motels to recognize that.

Damn, the torture never stops.

I always did well with record clubs. As long as you could stay on top of it for the period you were committed, you didn't lose any money. They always had sales, so you bought records/CDs then. And then once you were able to leave, you left. Then you signed up for the 8 free CDs again.