Props from me for any lambo owner who drives it often ESPECIALLY when it’s past it’s prime.
Yeah, can’t last long if it’s constantly requesting assisted suicide from it’s owners.
I like those reasons, I personally might pick a car that has an Inline 4 configuration instead of a boxer, no LSD, and higher clearance to be more resilient against the ravages of time... Oh God please don’ give me a Corolla.
Note: Do not gap iridium plugs.
Edgar Figaro was a dedicated jerk off.
I'm not sure about the science either, but hopping around hypermiler forums, the benefits of drafting behind a something like a semi truck are more than driving 5-10mph slower with otherwise no traffic ahead of you
I'd love one if I had the need for a truck, hopefully someday I'll have the excuse and the garage space (: And I don't find a Ranger that's more ideal.
Right, which is my point, might as well pick out the minivan and truck out of the whole Mazda lineup, if you're gonna pick those sedans to represent the "Fun cars with soul" when there are much more obvious examples that come to mind. Most people couldn't picture a 626 or Millenia, much less think of them to…
lol if you're gonna be obtuse like that, might as well pretend you think he meant Mazda MPV and Mazda B-Series Trucks as "Fun cars with soul" too.
I imagine this Joyce Silva of Pleasanton, one day parking somewhere she shouldn't have while in a rush, never getting served for her tickets, and concluding that she is either immune because of latent mutant powers, or has friends in high places watching out for her. She proceeded to test this theory 18 more times.