Breakfast Burrito: The True Resident Burrito

This will still find a way to mess up traffic on Lake Shore

Actually, Newt Gingrich and a number of other Republicans have vocally come out against what NJ and other states are doing to Tesla:

Someone will need to help me find the source again, but way back in 2010 or thereabouts some car magazine ran an article claiming GM wasn't going to renew Pontiac's name trademark and that Toyota was going to buy the name and recreate the brand. Sorry I don't have sources, but here's some rally cars that came outta

It's just a watch advertising thing. Watch companies have almost universally deemed 10:10 or there-around as the most aesthetically pleasing time to show their watch at. NY Times did an article about it here.

You have a choice. Free Market says you can get a job somewhere else.


"In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. There's no choice – it's a union shop – the employees voted to have it that way and in America that's the way it is," he wrote.

Rinnspeed: interesting ideas, questionable aesthetics. Much like the turtleneck.

That's cool and all, but in the end just a manifold. Spaceship? Kind of a stretch, Mate.

Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, For Sweden. Your sad devotion to that ancient platform hasn't helped you conjure up more P71 fleet orders or given you clairvoyance enough to find the rebel who vandalized....*choke*

Cheapest car with headlight wipers

2nd Gear: Where Are The Chinese?


The automatic is lighter and shifts quicker than a DCT.

This may sound stupid, but try as I might, I can't take a $250,000 car seriously when the manufacturer's logo is a stock high school mascot design.

Hear ye, hear ye!

I don't see what all of the fuss is about concerning the automatic. It'd be one thing if it was replacing the manual, but it's just another option.

Gear down, lightly on the brakes, and taking it easy helps me in the winter.

It's not so much about what China has, but who they plan to use it on.