
Smartest thing I ever did, just ahead of ditching the loser who knocked me up.

“the guy tries to get what [he] wants; the woman’s job is to fight him off.” The inability to fend off Gable’s advances constituted a failure on her part — not Gable’s.

Then I guess I will cling to my childlike wonder a bit longer!

One interesting thing is about the Kuvira/Korra contrast is contained in the GIF at the head of the story. It's reminiscent of a positive/negative space balance, which itself is kind of a yin/yang. Given that Korra is chaos gradually coming to order, and Kuvira is about order that gradually turns to chaos, the

Never gave a thought to Korrasami which is what made it for me a more special ending. It was the culmination of a relationship I had seen budding in them for awhile now and it was perfect. No kiss needed as far as im concerned, the one we got was more meaningful.

"There are THREE pies!"


Found out he didn't wash his hands after using the bathroom.

One of my sibs still lives with my parents because he helps THEM out financially. So it's not so black and white...

It's actually about ethics in video game journalism.

as someone who worked with and knew Janice personally for a time, I just wish to say, she is seriously one of the most legit, real people I have met in that industry. I have lot of love for her because she is so misunderstood and respect for her because she's so incredibly honest (and crazy). She's a hoot though and

I think she's really figured out a way to circumvent the whole fashion expectation placed on women newscasters, which is an utterly ridiculous standard. By keeping her outfit simple - the simple black jacket over an solid dark colored shirt, the focus is on her work, not her outfits. As to those who make the kind of

I worked for a company with a business casual dress code. I lokked around, saw the men in ratty, worn jeans, sneakers or work boots with their equally worn button up shirts. Twice I tried to pull off new, dark jeans and herls with my dress shirt and both times I got called into my manager's office for a lecture on

There is one woman who's broken the code (the shirt changes, the jacket rarely does), and it works just fine for her:

I like the thematic tying together of the two sagas. When they used the LOTR song in the BOTFA trailer it was like a gut punch. You do not use that song lightly.

I live in Traverse City- the town where Madonna's brother is a well known homeless man and her family owns a vineyard. He is well known to people in town and clearly has mental issues. This is an old story here because the family has actually tried to help him so many times and every time he goes off again he attacks

No sympathy here. My own brother kept fucking up despite numerous attempts to help him.

If giving Anthony money would solve all his problems, I'm sure Madonna would have done so by now - whether out of sisterly love, or just to avoid more bad publicity. But it clearly it isn't that simple - alcoholism rarely is.

Shit. I was so determined to loathe Ed Sheeran for all eternity. :-|