
Joe did not strip his car to spite Volkswagen. The point of his “weight savings” measures was to answer the question dozens of TDI owners have been asking on forum after forum: is stripping the cars OK?

Bad faith breaches are absolutely a thing and exactly how one would assert the “spirit” of the Consent Decree is being breached. It may not be living document in that it’s not subject to change, but it’s absolutely a living document in that it’s subject to the bad faith acts of the parties to it.

To everyone that has said he meets the letter of the ageeement, judges have the ability to interpret the SPIRIT of the agreement. The spirit is clearly to say they’ll buy it even if there been accidents or problems with the are. To deliberately devalue the vehicle for the purpose of getting extra value at VW’s

“I’ve waited long enough already,”

Seriously, fuck Joe Mayer. His false indignation is nauseating.

They didn’t anticipate this level of dipshit. This would have violated the terms of all the buybacks in the past, so I can’t blame them for telling this idiot to pound sand. If he really wanted to fuck with VW... he should have taken the money and bought a Toyota.

get outta here with that nonsensical talk...

Definitely a supercar for the time . Alfa Romeo GTV. Currently at $14,000 and probably won’t double in the next day.

Came here looking for this, leaving satisfied.

It’s no 1980s SEAT Ibiza with its System Porsche (up to 85 hp 1.5L) engine though.

In Soviet Russia, car tows you.

Not sure what your point is.....

Are you saying that I can’t have a Chinese hobo try to piss on my head? Cause that’s racist, sir and I don’t appreciate it. Now, if you could let me get back to my Technology-meets-hobo-pissing fantasies....

Most US companies who try to scam like Chinese companies would be out of business or sued into the ground by now. China does not have the same consumer protection and to get off the ground you still need to bribe the right people. Consumer protection barely exists in China, business ethics not a strong subject.

Straddling doesn’t always work out well.

Yep, that’s usually how these videos go.

It’s still infinitely better than not liking any car.

Just a couple words to the wise: