

Didn’t you just sell a Honda to your neighbor? It could be out of your life and line of sight pretty soon, just be a little more patient.

Surely the family will be rich after suing the dealer for not providing safe tools and work environment for performing wheel theft.

O.o No, no. I claim 50% of this. The other 50% is Dan’s. This isn’t political, it’s about a politician, but it isn’t political. It’s just supposed to be funny.

*shakes fist*

You hurt me.

you have convinced me to only write about bad cars now

I think you need to seek out some help friend.

It amazes me that consumers actually buy cars like these. I mean seriously, after having driven them as rentals, I can’t imagine what circumstance would lead me to buy such a crappy product.

Suuuuuuuure it is.

Do you drive a Mitsubishi? Or a CVT Nissan?

I hope your take away lessons here are:

Next time I’m up there, I would kill to! e-mail me! dougdemuro at yahoo!

Doug, your recent Land Rover videos are spreading through our Jaguar Land Rover R&D office like a wildfire recently.

That may be better. I like weird art bikes and banana seat vintage bikes and all that. There’s just some quality about the recumbent bikes that combines the smugness of a Prius with the aggressive insecurity of someone with some kind of food agenda.

In the interest of full disclosure, I own a 335 (sometimes even use my turn signals) and ride an electric mountain bike

No kidding. Back in 1974, when my county commission in Alabama decided to provide its residents with water (because they felt we were too dumb to decide whether we wanted to keep our wells or accept the county’s generous services), my family and most everybody in my community kept our wells operating, keeping faucets

Where’s Tavarish to help the PM buy a 1994 Audi A8 with 250,000 miles instead of the micra? Both for just 1500 pounds.

There is absolutely no reason not to buy this, even if you don't need or want one. Buy it anyway. NP.

@cmdrfire: Much easier to read a headline and then post a comment than read the whole post. Who reads anymore anyway, that's pre-9/11 stuff.