
I think the question here is why the insurer took his money and then changed their mind later. They should have refused to offer cover in the first place if they had an issue with it’s legal status.

These were called a Magna in Australia. Vile pieces of FWD shit.

I was 16 and the ink was almost dry on the paperwork for my first car - a 1968 Morris Mini Deluxe with 998cc of screaming power for $1300AU. It was 1990 and like all kids then and now, I needed a stereo. This would be my very first DIY project on my new wheels. The pretty girl in my class would be impressed! Full of

I prefer it when gauges and lights actually work all the time rather than whenever they feel like it. 😀

Ssanyong Stavis/Rhodius. I’d rather puke for a week than drive a car this ugly. Every time I see one I have to pull over “Owww, my eyes hurt! Make it stop!”

I know Defenders aren’t the most reliable things, but what have you found hard to work on? Have you ever worked on the electrics of a Niva? It’s like amateur spaghetti. They must have reused wire from 1960’s Soviet subs or something. The british would be proud.

The Defender 90 fits the same bill. The Suzuki Jimny also comes close.

I think the Mustang II also arrived in 1974 with no V8 options. So 1974 it is!

European or American plates were a thing in Australia too. The authorities toook note, and now you can buy Aussie plates that look American or Euro in most states. Example link for my home state.

Probably another case of a fool driving on the beach with road pressures in his tyres.”My 4x4 is awesome mate. I don’t NEED to air my tyres down."

If this was in Australia I’d be in my way with cash now!!

My trusty Olive the Beetle’s engine has been a bit smokey, rattly and generally tired for a while now. Two weeks ago I moved from the city to a rural area. Now instead of a dead flat commute, Olive now had to climb a steep mountain road to take me home. With the rest of the traffic rushing by at 110kph plus. I was

Amen to that. I replaced it all with the “genuine” braided stuff. It leaked. It’s lovely to come out to drive to work and find $40 of fuel pooling on your driveway. I replaced it all again with standard hose from an auto parts store and it’s never leaked since.

“My input shaft is undersize.”

Yeah, I know. I was referring more to the Alfas.

Maybe one who wants a car that works for longer than 500 miles or five weeks?

Been there, done that. It’s like hitting a boulder.

It is absolutely impossible not to have fun in a Moke. Anywhere. More smiles-per-mile than any other vehicle I have ever driven and it’s the last car I will ever sell. However, I’ve never driven a Morgan...

My Moke. It’s all simple engineering. There is nothing in this thing that I cannot fix in the middle of nowhere. It can get into a lot of “4x4 only” places simply because it is so small it can go around obstacles. It’s light so it’s easy to dig out or push out when you do get stuck. When unladen four or five string