
Definitely. Wrenching because you want to, not because you have to, is to me the ultimate luxury.

It really depends what the car is.

I really hate that. I'll pay $(stupidly low) cash right now! (Then show you a stack of bills.) No, I'm not that desperate buddy!

I daily drive a 74 VW Super Beetle. It's reliable and cheap to keep running. A bluetooth stereo and central locking add a little comfort. Downsides are it takes a while to warm up in winter, it has no air con for summer and it's pretty noisy on the highway. But everybody loves it. I get a kick out of using what

Kia Sportage?? Really? I had one of those new in 2000 and it was a total lemon! I only kept it 18 months. I invite you again to read what I said. "Pick the right car." My previous daily was a 1980 Corona Liftback five speed with factory air and a low 120,000km. The most reliable car I have owned, including

Rich people? You don't need to be rich to drive a 30+ year old car. Pick the right car, not something over complicated (looking at you Mr Citroen!) and you can have reliable motoring that is appreciating in value.

I knew this would pop up on here. I was waiting for all the Aussie stereotypes and drop bear jokes. I was not disappointed.

I don't know if this a worldwide thing or an Aussie thing only. Here it is common to give an overtaking truck, semi, caravan trailer etc a single high beam flash when the rear of their trailer is clear of your car and it is safe for them to re-enter your lane. Usually after the lane change is completed the trucks

Amen to that. A classic for me was a trip many years ago up the main Melbourne to Sydney freeway, the Hume Hwy. One of the most boring roads in Australia. At about 6am, just as the sun was starting to come up, I ended up behind a Victorian highway patrol car doing 20-25km/h above the speed limit. (This is

I say "sort of" because there are a few crucial snags here that can delay or dramatically slow down this process. For one: your paperwork must be very specific about exactly what you're bringing over. Japanese Classics told me that they once tried to ship a car with discarded cigarettes in the ashtray – and it was

Lightburn Zeta. A failed Australian marque made by a washing machine company!

I've always thought giving ball players cars is kind of a douche move by a car manufacturer anyway. It's cheap advertising for them. Think about it, give away one car that cost $30-40k invoice and gain a quasi-endorsement from a player that otherwise might not touch that product. Even if the player doesn't LIKE the

Glorious! Loving the determination and the continuous improvements. In many ways, this guy was a Soviet Era Hot Rodder. Very Jalop.

But you could still register that in Florida! Apparently...

Go the Ford. It's classy. The Holden is for tacky Bogans (Rednecks).

Where I live I can buy a Defender. I took my wife for a drive in one yesterday. She hated it and said "No". I'm crying in my Cappucino today (The coffee, not the car!) and then you put up more Defender porn. Sorry, I need a moment to myself.

Yes, I recognized the plates and the accent as not Australian. I'm Australian! :)

Pommies. They invented English. Then ruined it again.

120K miles in a Wrangler in a YEAR!?! What the??