
Nobody in their right mind would buy a Craptiva!

I had a Camry rental once with a shade less than 60,000 miles on it. Every panel was dented and the transmission felt like it was full of mayonnaise. I hated that car. Worst rental I have ever had.

My Mum had one of these from new as a company car. My parents were sufficienty impressed with it that they bought it off the company at two years old with 10,000km on the clock. When sold 12 years later it had 288,000km on the clock. The only thing it even needed was a clutch and a water pump. When I first got my

The engine is easy to upgrade to a 1.6 or 1.8 from other models in the Suzuki range. The swap is a bolt in and can be completed in a weekend.

They are not a bad little thing these. A little underpowered when loaded up with camping gear maybe. But Mr Suzuki, please do something about that girlie looking front end. It looks like something my daughter would buy with her pocket money.

I've been asked to find a truck to send from here in Australia to a pacific island for use by a remote missions school. It has to be capable of being driven up rough tracks loaded with building materials and maintained in the middle of nowhere with minimal parts. So I'm looking at 80's 4x4 Hilux and Land Cruiser

One thing bothers me. The patch was found in 1991 but it's only recently that it was compared to an Electra. Are Electras that rare that it took 23 years to find one to trial the fit of the patch?

Another oddity is sometime about 1975 VW fitted a thermostatically controlled vent flap below the licence plate light in the decklid. I'm not certain if all markets received it, but we did have it in Aus.

Much as I love these things (I have owned the longer "Corolla Seca" version.) I have to nominate CP in that condition.

You want to know another weirdness that helps identify a bug from behind?

Jason speaks the truth.

You could awlyas take the RX7 engine and put it into a 323 (GLC). What we commonly call an RX323 here. Perhaps it should then be called a GLH in the US? (Goes Like Hell)

I fondly recall reading an Aussie car magazine review on this car when it was released. It was referred to as the "Road Barstard".

Sounds like a company a mate worked for. The owner and founder of the company, worth at least five billion and despite being in his sixties, was regularly seen on the shop floor at 5am talking to the workers and helping out. They loved him for it.

That's not outback. THIS is outback! (Shitbox Rally 2013)

I rebadged my 82 Holden Gemini SL as an Isuzu Gemini LT back in the early 90's. Bascially the same spec in the JDM model. Most people who commented likeed the change. That was in the days before imported JDM cars were on every street corner.

Agreed. I'll keep my 130k 2009 Pathfinder Diesel that's never had an issue over that bloated SUV they sell now.