
It's daytime here. You don't haunt my dreams, you haunt my afternoon at work. :P

Note also the phone number (in part words and part digits) has too many digits for an Aussie mobile. LOL

This guy has ruined Honda Accords for me FOREVER. Plus he would receive my award for the all-time worst car ad.

Holden (who made your G8) were busted a few years back for providing a device to their dealers that allowed them to reset the odometer to zero provided it had less than 100km on the clock. At least your dealer was honest enough to leave the mileage reading there.

I took one of these on a 4000km Shitbox Rally through the outback a year ago. It was a tough little car. I was very surprised.

Something for the weekend sir? Just enough mud and grime to make it look purposeful. A Defender is one of the few vehicles that looks better dirty. In a year or two I will be shedding a tear when this old stager is no longer sold new. :(

I might add a Defender is $20K cheaper in Aus on the road than a LC 70 wagon! Toyota can charge whatever the heck they like for them here, they will still sell.

Yep, they don't have a reputation for being the most reliable thing on earth, for sure. But they are simple to fix and that is the point I reckon. I'll go on record and say I've never owned one, but I know several people who do (or have) and have had largely trouble-free rides for big kilometers. The Toyota 70

Another option might be a Land Rover Defender.

You can still buy a 70 series Cruiser in Australi and other markeys brand new:

It’s safe to say almost every car enthusiast would be happier if they could drive their classics every day. Unfortunately, the term “daily driver” is tinged with the feeling of compromise for too many of us. Not so for Guy Newmark of San Pedro, California. Guy lives that gearhead dream of having his classics and

I'd choose a Moke. Because it's simple and fun. Plus you can lift it out of a bog if you need to.

I went across Australia and back via Uluru in a Mini Van a few weeks ago. :)

We have similar scams, oops, I mean schemes, operating here. Interest free terms on wheels and tyres. Stupid bogans put $2500 worth of wheels and tyres on their $2000 Commodore paid for on one of these interest-free schemes. If they don't pay them off within 12 months they get slugged for 30-40% interest. They are

That's when insurance matters. When you claim, not when saving $30 a year on the premium!

I commend what you are doing. I have often daydreamed about what I would do when the engine eventually expires in my daily driven Beetle. I think I'd have gone to 1641 as well, but that's just me being greedy! :)

Every inbred asshat in Aus already puts aftermarket Chevy badges on his Commodore.  Even the clowns with old V6 taxi pack models.  

I know where a split-window Beetle is rotting away under a leaky tarp, parked under some trees in a suburban backyard.  It's been there for at least 25 years.  The guy who owns it must be 90+ now, but he refuses to sell and insists he will restore it someday.  He can barely shuffle from the house to the mailbox now.


I'll stick one in for my Aussie redneck mates. Holden Torana LX Hatchback, especially the A9X.