
"This Fantastic Animation Is A Violent Showdown Between Team Fortress 2’s Spy and Left 4 Dead’s Witch"

I was about to buy my first Madden game, but its sold out.

He can also jump off a cliff.

Yeah. He should have proofread one last time

Day-1 DLC, duh.

Portal games have some of the most amazing dialog in gaming.

Because hes a fat douchebag? And has bad taste in hats.

Ive just finally purchased a Plus subscription with the August list of free games. It really was too hard to pass up.

No need to sting the guy so bad about it

Same here. That, and Gears of War were my driving factors to pick up a "current-gen" console


There is no legitimate concern, just douche bags being douchey and whining just to create a stink about EA.

if you buy a hat or something from the store, you become premium also, just fyi

Fuckin a right they are


LOL! Oh lord...

Fully agree. These guys who dont notice they have texts/emails/anything waiting clearly have some form of mild mental retardation.

Hey, I bought TF2 on PC, then went and bought the Orange Box on the 360 to play with a buddy I work with. For a while I had hoped the same great things would come for my 360 friends.

Valve games on PC. Just buy Valve games on PC. Trust me. Steam/Valve/Win

Wait, Kotaku is where the original stuff is? Wut?