Cut that Breadloafin' Bitch

I create a new burner account just about every day. Mainly because I gave up on investing my time in truly thoughtful commentary when Jezebel followed people like this troll while leaving other great commenters in the grays. I can only come up with so many original burner names. She was already ungrayed when I got

Oh honey, I got rid of my original account when they instituted the gray system that inexplicably lets people like you post but keeps other longtime users buried. Don’t feel too honored. I make a new burner pretty much every time I leave a comment — it takes all of 15 seconds. I mean, you are spending *a lot* of time

Wow, your commentary on today’s stories is so incisive. Oooh, she’s ugly and she’s ugly and she’s ugly! I’m sure you must be the most attractive person on the planet. Carry on!