
Don’t worry, Puja. You’ll most likely die well before you turn 84, much less 94.

Oh, come on. You could have easily gone with all “F” sounds but you quit after just three words? Here you go.

Even the guy that has no idea what he’s doing at the plate is several inches further down the bat.

Here we have a woman explaining that women actually do understand sports, and doing so by demonstrating a great way to break your fingers while laying down a bunt.

Shoulda been you, Coach K.

* As long as Doug Eddings is behind the plate



Rub some dirt in it, walk if off, you know, the Cardinal way.

He probably isn't right... butI wouldn't exactly put money on him being wrong, either.

snow, icy, furries, frigid, cold, cold, cold.

RIP, Mr Cub. Its a shame we can't play two.

Rest in peace Mr. Banks. You were a true class act.

The last person this is on is Bostick, and fuck that coach for giving him shit when he went over to the sidelines. The ball does crazy shit on onside kicks. Wanna give somebody shit? Mike McCarthy called that game into the fucking ground for GB.