That looks pretty good tbh.
That looks pretty good tbh.
Murrah, who, despite all appearances to the contrary, I cannot stress enough—is only 36 years old.
“> Do any of those things you mentioned have the potential to become a viable life?
You don’t get to make the call on whether to disregard the “hilariously remote chance”, because the right of the fetus, to its own life, are at issue. Since it can’t speak for itself on whether it wants to live (it does), the state steps in on its behalf.
“You’re doing great.”
I think you inadvertently made the case for outlawing abortion since all human cells are viable human lives.
I won’t dispute the medical necessity justification. I will push back on the fetal abnormality justification because that’s often a cover to allow the termination of a viable life on the basis of disability, which, no.
When your teeth develop into a human life, let me know.
The legal standard at the moment is that abortion is a right until fetal viability; i.e., when a fetus can survive outside the womb with or without technological assistance, because it isn’t until that point that the fetus’s right, like all humans, to not be killed without due process of law kicks in.
So determining when life begins in a debate about abortion is moving the goalposts to you? Ok. And I’m not sure if you went to private school, or if you’re just a virgin, but a sperm itself doesn’t make human life. And equating a six week old fetus with a sperm cell isn’t being intellectually honest.
I used to be a staunch pro-choice dude, but the last couple of years I’ve found myself struggling with the rationale behind where we draw the abortion line. If we’re saying abortion is okay if the fetus isn’t yet viable, well, that date is going to get closer and closer to zero as technology and science progress. Babie…
Your clit has zero chance of becoming a viable human life. I for one am relieved.
Do any of those things you mentioned have the potential to become a viable life?
The thing inside the woman is comprised of human tissue, is it not?
She seems like a real joy to--SHUT UP IM TALKING!!
So what do you think they were doing, then? Just waiting outside her house for an argument to pop off?
This is pretty transparent water-carrying for Gebre here, Hamilton.
this, right here, is why your mother isn’t shit
400 years in this country and still untouchable... we wypipo have got it fucking MADE
Someone needs a fucking nap.