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    That would be awesome. So, probably not.

    I'll just put this on here and then people can copy/paste throughout the tournament:

    Holy spoiler alert for Silent House, Annalee. I secretly am thrilled since I've been wondering about this and haven't seen anyone else out the big reveal yet, but others might grumble.

    If you had told me that you could only scare the demon away by whistling at it, and then that the demon kept leaving piles of saltine crackers around for the starving lost people, and then pouncing at them once they had a mouth full of saltines, I would readily and happily have gone to great lengths to watch this

    but it sounds awesome. anyone know?

    Hmm. three or four in 1997? why?

    Are there that many sharks in the ocean? I mean... sure there probably are, but would they all go to Japan? I think some would definitely check out Hawaii first.

    These days I just sort of feel sort of sad about Eps I-III, but I will be going to this next weekend. I'm taking my son, and he will think it is groin-grabingly awesome, and I'll enjoy the fact that he likes THIS Star Wars even if I don't. I will probably also get a grinding headache from the 3D.

    Hearted for awesomeness. And "Lake House" reference.

    I know I'm late to the party here, but I remember Chris Carter's "Millennium" pilot being uh-MAY-zing. I actually used to wonder if the rest of the series didn't suffer a bit because I was never so drawn in to the show as I was for that first episode.

    "Superheroes regularly confront evils that are organized but hard to identify, in much the same way that terrorists are stateless."

    I am so heart-gladdened to see such a diverse body of readers bound together by the first, and unifying, primal instinct to just eat all those damn things at once, to save the Earth.

    OOHHHH! C'MON, I'm FLYIN 'ere!

    It looks like he made his costume from old steering wheel covers.

    Hey! I'm Sooperman! Fuh-geddabouddit.

    Was this meant to be posted in Jezebel? What's weird/fantastic/science-fictiony about this?

    I won't call you crazy, but I might call you a shill. You sound like a marketing team-member.

    I cannot WAIT To see the trailer for CANDY LAND.

    2015? Probably late summer 2012 is more likely.