
It is the bane of virtually all serial fiction that the reader or viewer knows they'll never kill off the main characters because there's still a half a season to go or they know it's being renewed for another season. This means that while watching scenes like the one that ended this episode, deep inside we all know

Agreed. It's also never been clear to me (or maybe I missed or have forgotten a key piece of dialogue) what Dennis got out of snooping around his wife's laptop for the intelligence Sandy was apparently trading for the tips, or how the threat of having that activity exposed would lead him to do things 100 times worse,

A show interested in respecting its viewers' intelligence would've made that exposition clear, instead of forcing us to, in hindsight, imagine ways it made sense that they lost track of his car, like the world's worst 3-card monte players or something. I mean, that was the former director of the CIA and the