Truth Teller

I personally liked the 60s. Then it was more about the driver than the car. A great driver in a less than great (but still good) car could win consistently. Stirling Moss, for example. No, he never won a championship, but he was always some one that had to be watched.

It could have been worse. It might have been your car and you would actually have to pay for fixing it.

You also don’t know how to spell “knew” so any more complex ignorance is excusable and expected.

And his Orangeness, too.

That is a 2nd amendment violation of the “Right to bare arms.” Rather hypocritical of a party in the pay of the NRA, isn’t it?

There is no “system preferences/accounts in OSX 10.9.5.

If you rely mostly on WhatsApp and have access to WiFI, you don’t need much else. A legitimate phone number is all. That can be with the most minimal plan available. WhatsApp allows video calling, sending files (larger than most email services) and it can even be on your desktop computer. With WiFi so widely

If you had bought a Mercedes or even a Handa, at 15K miles, it would not even be broken in.

Thanks for this. I am (was) looking as a bright yellow 360 but here in Brazil, the situation with the streets would be even worse. Unbelievably, even here in a modern large city, many of the streets are cobble stone. I will take another look at a Porsche and a couple of BMW models at the same dealer.

Denying climate change has to be one of the most stubbornl stupid memes of the century. This is not to say it’s the sole fault of human intervention. Climatology is far too complicated to make that general statement. It’s probable that human intervention, particularly in the form of heat pollution, is a factor. The

I could use this even without the alcohol. Ordinary orange juice wuld work, no? Weed prevents my leg from twitching ay night but I too, am not as into smoking it as I once was.

Typical Brazilian speed with anything. The “good enough” mentality affects every aspect of life here.

Evolution in action. The stupid get eaten.

“It’s also unclear how the incident will AFFECT California’s electricity supply.” “Impact” is a verb as in “The meteor impact shook the mountain.” Admittedly, decent English, proof reading, and editing are thiings of the past. The “dumbing down” of America is proceeding well. Thanks for contributing to that effort.

Of course it’s NEVER their fault for being lazy, incompetent, and arrogasnt. It’s OUR fault for tolerating this useless exercise on government waste. Nothing the TSA has ever done or ever could do would more than slightly inconvenience a genuine terorist.

Since when did the constitution, the human rights of the American citizen, or even common human decency stand in the way of the facsists telling us we are being attacked?

I agree wholeheartedly. I live in Brazil and I think we have the same problem here. I rarely taske any antibiotics. Very often, medicine is the art of keeping the patient comfortable until the body heals itself. A placebo would work as well as antibiotics in many cases. Remember, doctors are medical advisors, not

The bomb did not really end the war. It was over for all practical purposes. What was the stcking point was the exact wording of the surrender. In the end, the Japanese got what they wanted, the Emperor remaining and immune from war crimes prosecution. As history has confirmed, it was the right decision and cold have

They don’t matter except for what it says about Apple’s attitude towards its customers.

You are paying more because it says “Adidas.”