
I just had a really good blind date. We hung out for more than seven hours. He's my exact physical type, has a sexy accent, is nice and articulate and bright and thoughtful and in shape, and he kissed me goodnight. I'm confused.

I have a good dine-and-dash story, among about a million others. Where do I submit?

Blah. I am corresponding with a bunch of OKCupid guys and my favourite so far seems to be incognito today. I am bummed. It's SO like me to focus on one guy who isn't writing (and might tomorrow, for all I know) instead of the half-dozen who are. But of course I'm wondering what I might have said in my last email that

Brownies are in the oven. I ate so much batter that it barely covered the bottom of the pan. Oh well.

I broke a glass carafe when I was reaching for my blender. Whoops. I just put on my slippers and kept on baking!

I'm wasted and am about to attempt a new brownie recipe. I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong...

Yeah, that's what I was thinking!

Thanks. I think I'll pass on clicking on that link though.

Yeah, I'm on here all day every day, and I have no clue what she's going on about.

Jesus, that is a gorgeous woman. And she has character and sex appeal, unlike most of the twenty-somethings who grace the covers of magazines. I hope this becomes more of a thing.

Personally, I don't let men pay for me on dates. (And I've in fact had men be rude to me about that too: "Don't insult me!", "Don't try to make me look bad", "You're emasculating me!") Though I do acknowledge that there are plenty of women who do expect men to pay, and I think it's ridiculous. That said, I've never

What seriously_QuestionMark said.

I have several female friends on dating sites who've had random men write to them to critque their looks and their profile. Not only is it gratuitously cruel, but it's just bizarre. I mean, these are total strangers on a dating site. They are essentially not even real until you finally meet for a coffee somewhere. The

Well, to be fair, the guys that have made those types of remarks haven't even been that bright, which probably explains their insecurity. I've dated some incredibly bright men, like Rhodes Scholars and brain scientists and guys with multiple post-docs and patents/published works...and none of them seem to have had a

It's just so bizarre. I reject men all the damned time, but I never feel the need to tell them all the things I dislike about them!

Honestly? I know a few people who've always been in relationships and I kind of feel sorry for them. I mean, if you're happy, that's great. But there are so many amazing experiences that you can only have if and when you're single. I wish people weren't so afraid of being single, because it can be so awesome. My life

Sigh. People need to stop asking models to talk about things.

Well, I'm closer to forty than thirty and single, though I'm usually not looking because I tend not to be happy in relationships. But I have periodically asked friends, both male and female, to tell me what they think of me (nicely) and what I could possibly work on. Not just in the dating context, but in general.

I've always been convinced that the father is L Ron Hubbard, and nothing is going to change my mind.

It's interesting that you say that because I often feel like women who have the most beautiful features, on a feature-by-feature basis are not the most beautiful. Natalie Portman, for example, is rather perfect when you look at each part of her face separately. But then you put it all together and I don't really see