
I come for the comments. I'll be sad when we're not allowed to comment anymore.

Does he know what flustered means? That response doesn't make much sense.

This kind of thing is the story of my life. I hate it. In my experience, about half the time it's a Madonna/whore complex and the other half of the time they eventually come out.

My female friends have always been jealous of my curls. Because I CAN straighten it for a change, but most of my straight-haired friends can do nothing to make theirs curly.

I get hit on more when mine is curly. I also get hit on more when I'm a bit heavier. Or, at least, I get hit on more by the kind of men I like. I'm not into the white corporate bro types who seem to like straight hair and tits-on-a-stick.

Thanks for the follow-up! I'm so glad that he liked the comments!

I'm jealous.

The experts usually say to write out what you want to say and then rip it up. As many times as you need to. And to delete his number.

"How'd you train your asshole to talk like that?"

I don't get it either. To be honest, MOST couples seem to interact in a way that makes me wonder what the hell they're doing together. I don't understand why people want to be constantly nagging and sniping at each other. But whatever. I've never really been a relationship-person.

THIS. I think that a great many men really don't see women as human beings. They might think that they do, but they really don't. If you listen carefully to how men talk about women, you'll hear it in their words. Women can be disrespectul of men, but the language is quite different.

Oh, for sure. I totally agree with you. And I do think that trying to start a conversation with a woman sitting alone at a jazz club is far more appropriate than trying to talk to a woman who's, say, busy doing something on her Blackberry on the bus in rush hour on a Tuesday morning. But it was totally obvious that I

The fuck? What is wrong with him?!

And even in bars or at parties, sometimes a woman is there just because she's there.

I'm against male circumcision.

Nah, it was just me at the gym, on the treadmill. But I did buy a brownie on the way home to celebrate, so that's just as good as a T-shirt!

Awesome! I'd managed to run the whole 5K uninterupted awhile back but it was taking me around 36 minutes or so. And I just found the whole thing so boring. But today, when I started, I said to myself "The faster you run, the sooner you'll be finished", and I cranked up the speed. It seems that my utter hatred of

Guess what? Six months ago, I couldn't run for three straight minutes. (I'm not in bad shape. I work out four or five days a week. I've just always been more of a power person and lack stamina). Today I ran 5K in 30 minutes for the first time! I'm all proud.

It's nearly 4 AM and someone just called me. Blocked number. I was too freaked out to answer.

I can tell you what I do, but it might not work for you and it certainly isn't healthy...