
I have a friend who is incapable of being alone or not talking to someone for even a second. I don't think she's a weirdo, but I certainly do feel sorry for her.

I live alone and never have visitors and, while I do hate people and try to stay away from them at all costs, I wouldn't say I'm a recluse. I just like my space. I haven't taken the door off the bathroom though. I'm just too lazy.

I had my own big room as a kid, my own dorm room at university, then my own apartments and houses every since. Never had so much as a roomate, never have boyfriends, never let lovers sleep over, no pets. Life is perfect.

Sounds perfect, except for the dog.

I'm the opposite. I get "not good enough to marry but I shall give birth to his child". Maybe there aren't enough men out there for the women who want a mature, reliable partner and father for their children, and maybe those women who aren't lucky enough to find a good man figure any sperm donor will do and that

Most of the women I know who have kids are not married. Some are in a relationship with the child's father, some were but aren't any longer, and some had kids while single, by choice. They're all mature adults who had their children well over thirty, are highly educated and financially secure. And yes, I know this is

Why am I not surprised that this comment ended with some version of "...and I'm going to go somewhere else to find a wife". FYI, wives are actual human beings.

Yeah, except not. A child needs loving, stable adults, be they men, women, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and so on. FATHER and MOTHER specifically are not necessary.

I'm not freaked out by dead bodies, but I'm not an open casket kind of girl. I just don't see why a body needs to be viewed as part of the memorial. I also don't understand why corpses are not in the ground (or else cremated) within thirty-six hours. But it's a cultural norm for me. I'm sure I'd feel differently if

I really hope looking good in one's casket does not become yet a new thing to which we must aspire. I don't give a crap what I look like when I'm dead, and nobody is going to see me in my casket anyway.

Yeah, I love her and think she looks awesome, but I thought she was in her late thirties or early forties. But she could be. Don't most celebrities shave several years off their age?

I can read quite well, but I do appreciate your concern.

Me too.

Agreed. I basically hate all men at this point and will never have a relationship with one, and I'm not even going to say whether that's because men have always found me pretty or ugly because it's the same shit either way. The problem isn't what people look like, but that that's all anybody sees in people, good or

Insemination via sperm donor is expensive. A lot of women prefer to take their chances with a one-nighter. Of course, in that case, I don't think the woman would even tell the guy, because she wouldn't want him as anything more than a sperm donor.

Maybe women don't mind sleeping with immature assholes (they're often pretty good in bed), and maybe they don't mind an immature asshole providing his sperm so they can raise children on their own.

Maybe because not all men are "marriage material" yet women still want some sex and companionship? I date a lot of losers. I'd rather date a great guy, but I haven't found one. In the meantime, I'll date men who aren't great. That's my choice.

Well, if there aren't enough men willing and able to father children for the women who want to mother children, what are women to do? I mean, I'm just going to forego the whole father thing completely, but some women still want kids, regardless of whether they're lucky enough to find a rare good man.

So, it's only an "abusive situation" if the woman isn't rich?

The author of the Slate article is Dahlia Lithwick, not Litwick.