
Literally every kids show on the planet attempts to teach kids about good moral hygiene, but the one you have a problem with is one that doesn’t serve your prejudices? Honestly, that’s despicable. And Steven Universe doesn’t even make a statement about sexuality. They just display two female characters loving each

It’s not tricky at all. Video game allows for inclusivity that a real world scenario often cant provide. Fighting made up creatures and casting spells feels completely normal, we don’t give that a second thought...but something that would allow anyone equal opportunities in a sandbox narrative feels unnatural? How do

The Mick and Zorn look amazing though! Maybe it’s just a personal preference thing.


Seriously? Dude, It’s 2016. The year of anonymous assholery has ended. Expecting someone to come forward and admit they were being rude is the norm.

alright, let me just clear this up right now on behalf of a lot of people. Steam has hundreds of games for the straight oriented to enjoy romance options. I’m a gay male, so I’m excluded from all of these. I’m not offended if a game doesn’t include the options, but you better damn believe that I’m fucking happy when

holy fuck dude, I’M GAY. I’VE HAD A LOVING BOYFRIEND FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS. We live together, I do the dishes, he takes out the trash, we play video games together, AND WE DON’T LIKE FUCKING MUSICALS AND CABARET. I tried to keep my cool and stay casual in my first response, but yeah, obviously I was offended by your

Uh yeah, I am. What do I gain from lying about that?...Or are you just saying a man can’t be gay if he doesn’t like musicals. If so, I think the 90's called and they want their shitty stereotypes back.

*grabs mic* I would like the record to show that I am a gay man that does not love the fuck out of musicals or cabaret. Thank you.

Technology can definitely be scary. I think it’s largely because of how much all of us as users relate to it. We’re directly connected and that’s terrifying.

I had fun, but I know a few ways I could've had more fun. Specifically during combat:

Paper Mario for the Wii U done in the style of the indie game Lumino. ACTUAL PAPER MARIO.