
isn't she on another series/busy? That's why she's not been on as much. I'm willing to bet the talking head stuff is and was shot out in a single day or maybe 3 days total over the entire season.

I just don't want it to be a "serious issue" and they have to devote so much time to her recovery and rehab.

YES. I was like "you NEVER take a drink Margot Martindale offers you! Not the apple pie!!!!!!!!"

When they had Eli comment on it I got worried it's going to develop into something serious. I think he once said "how many wines is that?" at some gala and she said if he counted she'd start doing shots.

Not in the government, but when I worked a very low level job for an agency I was told often by the higher-ups that I worked harder and they'd usually come to me first for projects they needed help on. I saw several people promoted quickly and they ALL had stories of "oh, my uncle plays golf with soandso…" It kept

All the press said she'd be working the Alan Cumming, but I'll cosign this. Speaking of, her husband has, but WHY hasn't Becky Newton been on this show??

To me, she was a mix of Viola Walsh (sassy, condescending) and Nancy Crozier (seemingly sweet, but calculated). I hope we see more of her.

Sometimes we don't want to spend the time juicing 6 limes and cleaning up the juicer! haha

She did tequila shots all the time early on with Kalinda. Owen even comments in his first appearance— "Since when did you start drinking tequila?"

This. All of this. Not to get into any "affirmative action pro/con" debates, but…
There's no denying the language used by L/A/L associates (seriously, they don't have an HR department to do any hiring??) was racist in various forms from the assuming to the outright, but why should they hire her if her credentials

My opinion on the "why" of filming her interviews is our generation is the first with constant over-sharing through social media. With constant selfies, status updates, filming concerts, etc etc it makes sense to me she'd want to film them for the record, good or bad. She's experienced discrimination and wants to

I'd love to see their yearly sign/letterhead/envelope/webredesign/etc budget.

Agreed. I also took it as the associate maybe trying to sleep his way up.

I'd LOVE for him to say something like fresca and tequila.

I can't quite remember Kalinda ever physically harming someone for information or revenge. Blake did, and she's destroyed property, but never wailed a crowbar. Please correct me if she did.

That could actually be a really interesting ending for the show. She's disgraced from the law or goes completely bankrupt and has to basically go back to being "First Lady" (or whatever) and just be Peter's wife (a…Good Wife).

The reason they kept saying for Murder House was they had all their money tied up in the house and it wasn't selling.

That hat was 100% Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan and I lived for it.

Her wig curled like that looks MUCH less wigg-y than the straight wig with the awful fake baby hairs at the hairline.

don't forget JENNA WORE IT BEST!