
James Franco’s 4th brother there looks like he is about to be touched inappropriately by an old homeless Russian man.

Now THIS is a hockey story about violence that we can ALL get behind!

Columbus is pretty good, and they beat the hell out of Pitt last week, which was most enjoyable. To Torts’ credit, he has them playing aggressive, north-south hockey (trying to eliminate D to D passing altogether), and he’s letting his players rest (no pointless morning skates, etc.). Couple that with the lack of

Coyotes’ 2016-2017 slogan: Welcome to My Nightmare....

20 years, 8 playoff appearances, 2 Playoff Series wins, 6 owners, 3 rejected owners, 1 protracted bankruptcy, Hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, various Glendale city services cancelled...

Two swings? How embarrassing...

I forget where I heard it, but I’m kind of sad they *didn’t* go with someone else’s theory: Jyn and co. make it off Scarif’s surface, but Vader personally cuts them down, rather than Redshirt Rebels. Jyn’s last act is to shove the data tape through the mostly-closed door. It’d be even darker, but more significant.

If you notice, in the shot before the laser fires, the Death Star is basically just above the horizon. Obviously Tarkin wanted the base taken out ASAP, so shooting at it as soon as they had any kind of firing solution and hitting just somewhere near it was probably much quicker than waiting for the Death Star to be

Like targeting the base , and taking out the dish , but hitting the horizon miles away, ....was the guy aiming the Death Star gun a bad shot or was there a reason ?

We need to get a group together of plucky outsiders to sneak in and steal these alternate scenes.

We need to get a group together of plucky outsiders to sneak in and steal these alternate scenes.

“I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!” - lab mouse

There was confusion when the Miami fan kept screaming “U is first.”

One of the most important parts of sexual compatibility is being what (Official NerdLove Celebrity Patronus) Dan Savage calls “Good, Giving and Game” - that is, good in bed, giving of pleasure and game for trying things within reason.

Being willing to do something (or let a partner do something) that does nothing for

But if she won’t tell him you two are dating, then you’re not really her boyfriend.

Hard as it may be to accept, this is absolutely true.

Regarding the girl with the orbiter, it’s not just the possibility she wants to avoid the awkward confrontation, there’s always the possibility she likes having an orbiter cause it’s a huge ego-stroke.

No chronic disease is real and the person in the first post sounds like they have Crohn’s or UC. Something you definitely don’t want to have.

Yeah this girl is barely involved with the guy. Cut your losses, date one of the countless people that don’t bring extra, never-ending work to the relationship. It’s your life too, you don’t have to suffer just to appear “noble” or whatever.
